Jim Patrick
A Fixture
This is more of continuation of a discussion started by myself (by asking questions of which, apparently, I'm not well educated on) and continued by Harry Ford of Amsterdam. A VERY good discussion started there. To read the discussion, look here:
I would like for those that know more than the average modeler/painter to help the rest of us out by explaining the clothing (mostly colors) worn by roman legionaires.
To start off, I have several questions.
1- The research that shows/proves these colors of tunics worn by the Roman Legionarie. Not that I'm trying to discount anyone's opinions. It's just that so I, as well as others, are more educated on this subject.
2- What about the cloaks (capes?) seen worn on so many figures? What were these normally made of and what color were these?
3- Trousers. Same as #2.
4- When on campaign, what would the colors of the aforementioned items be? I guess I should say "marching order" as I'm sure before a major battle Legionaries would have time and could put the best clothing on to present their best appearance on the battlefield. For instance, at Teutenberg Wald, it's my understanding the Roman columns were not expecting a battle and therefore did not deploy into any type of formations. What would the Roman clothing look like there?
Lets get a discussion going on this subject as there are litteraly tons of Roman figures on the market and this could help us all to render a more accurate figure.
Jim Patrick
My thanks to Harry Ford for giving me the inspiration to start this thread and setting me straight on several things I was grossly mistaken on.
I would like for those that know more than the average modeler/painter to help the rest of us out by explaining the clothing (mostly colors) worn by roman legionaires.
To start off, I have several questions.
1- The research that shows/proves these colors of tunics worn by the Roman Legionarie. Not that I'm trying to discount anyone's opinions. It's just that so I, as well as others, are more educated on this subject.
2- What about the cloaks (capes?) seen worn on so many figures? What were these normally made of and what color were these?
3- Trousers. Same as #2.
4- When on campaign, what would the colors of the aforementioned items be? I guess I should say "marching order" as I'm sure before a major battle Legionaries would have time and could put the best clothing on to present their best appearance on the battlefield. For instance, at Teutenberg Wald, it's my understanding the Roman columns were not expecting a battle and therefore did not deploy into any type of formations. What would the Roman clothing look like there?
Lets get a discussion going on this subject as there are litteraly tons of Roman figures on the market and this could help us all to render a more accurate figure.
Jim Patrick
My thanks to Harry Ford for giving me the inspiration to start this thread and setting me straight on several things I was grossly mistaken on.