Thanks all for responses.
Secret for painting of a fabric there is no also I with pleasure will tell about the technician of painting. The main thing - it is necessary to have patience and a good brush.
The base by darkly red colour, then shades, further long and laborious work on drawing of vertical and horizontal strips just simulating a fabric has been made. A number of the moments – strips were put not on diameter туники or sleeves, and proceeding from a concrete site туники (an inclination of lines according to folds). Not everywhere the truth it has turned out as wanted – we will aspire to perfection on the following figure. On a tonality for this purpose the mix red (50 %), orange (20 %) and white colour (30 %), a consistence liquid enough, a brush – usual columns has been chosen. Did not begin to apply all known brushes 5/0, 10/0, at a column very soft and long hair + is a large supply on time to make a line in comparison with very narrow brushes (it is possible 5-7 to work easy seconds before to dip again a brush into a paint). On this procedure 6-8 working hours were required hours. Then shades in deepenings of folds by very liquid paint, it specially are again made slightly to muffle turned out "grid". At a final stage a dirt and small droplets of blood on clothes, высветление folds as that did not become. By the work end has thought that it was possible to play with a proportion of white colour and to make effect of the faded fabric on the sun.