Hi everyone ,
Life miniatures have recently released the 2nd in the " beginner series" of busts , with this resin being announced by here and in social media.
The first release was reviewed here:
The series is aimed at the newer and less experienced modeller and provides as with all of Life Miniature releases a high quality sculpt with minimal prep allowing the prep time to be kept to a minimum and therefore the painting is in action quickly ...and as in the previous release a downloadable PDF showing everything you need is available FREE from the website
The subject is another German but this time one of the most recognised and respected officer who fought not only in WW2 but also in the Great War on 1914-18.
A family man seen here at his wedding
and with his wife and son later in WW2
The man is of course: Rommel

Lets have some background on this officer :
Serving with distinction in WW1 , a talented and respected leader he suffered the same hardships as his men .
winning the Pour Le Merite and Iron Cross .In WW2 he was again a charismatic leader , liked and rewarded by Hitler with rank and much more , he was as stated a family man and this was his main concern ....he had nothing to do with the plot to kill Hitler and after serving and leading the Africa Corps and as a Panzer Commander in the west he was given the option of a show trial ...and dishonour or suicide and a state funeral with his family being safe ....he chose the later.

Continued in next post

Life miniatures have recently released the 2nd in the " beginner series" of busts , with this resin being announced by here and in social media.
The first release was reviewed here:
The series is aimed at the newer and less experienced modeller and provides as with all of Life Miniature releases a high quality sculpt with minimal prep allowing the prep time to be kept to a minimum and therefore the painting is in action quickly ...and as in the previous release a downloadable PDF showing everything you need is available FREE from the website
The subject is another German but this time one of the most recognised and respected officer who fought not only in WW2 but also in the Great War on 1914-18.
A family man seen here at his wedding

and with his wife and son later in WW2

The man is of course: Rommel

Lets have some background on this officer :
Serving with distinction in WW1 , a talented and respected leader he suffered the same hardships as his men .

Continued in next post