Rommel's bust and figure 1/6


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he really likes to enjoy watching the costal line with the wind in his face when inspecting it.
Your father also looks very artistic...

and going in a trip for his wife's b-day ignoring the allies will take the coast next day! LOL
hahaa my dad looks artistic and he is a painter, my mom also, so I had no choice! lol
thanks Renè for the nice comment mate!

I was wondering how to achieve the leather texture, wich is 85% of the figure, but the answer was only a few cms far from me, I try some wrinkled aluminium foil and I think it really works, I will try harder on this later!
also some photoshop bonus, grey mode + film grain filter,cheers!



I haven't seen any pictures of Rommel wearing the glasses.

If you are sculpting the goggles, glasses or what they are called this way ..the eyes will lack some attention I'm afraid.

Is your solution some transparant sheet in the end?
Now he looks a bit like Cyclops, X-men.

the texturepart I like ofcourse :)
Very smart Antonio...

Rommel's plastic goggles were actually a captured pair of British anti-gas eye shields (either Mk II or Mk III - it's pretty much impossible to tell the difference from photographs). They're nowadays very rare having been made of brittle acetate which has crumbled and perished over the years. The best image I could find of these (albeit after just a quick search) is on this commercial website which has some pairs for sale. I hope this information will be of some help with your sculpture.

It's really great to see a whole large-scale figure being created instead of just a bust. (y)
Merci Nicolas, Im glad you like it and also thanks for your tip! Im really expecting your next figure, keep the good mate!

René, I guess he used the goggles in sand storms or bad weather, not the best time to shoot a picture neither! u think I will hide his eyes after the tedius work? lol
the goggles will be made in transparent acetate, that pic was just for fun, I agree he looks x-man! lol thanks my friend for the coment!

thanks Harry for the info, I had no idea about that, makes me want to buy a replica! the pictures will hepl sure, thanks mate!
very good likeness and the typic pose.should you make it commercial i would be very happy to buy one.just let us know.
this is really an very handsome item.
i envy you talented devils which can sculpt an lot;)
hello antonio
ah that would be great.i would love to have are very talented.and this shows in the face as rest.
please show more if you have
best whishes
Antonio, a superb likeness, a bit late picking up on this one but enjoying the progress pics, amazing work. Will follow. (y)

Cheers Ken
Thanks ken for your words!
well, this proyect stops here for now, I kept the head but disamble the clay from the body for my new proyect, the same subjet but in 1/9, so this are the last pics I took from him!
thanks everyone!






on the bust again

Hi folks, I got back to the 1/6 bust, I have change his uniform to the leather coat with scarf, also did some retouches on the face like the cheeks, this is the work from today sesion so far, I should work on the balance of the arms still...








