A Fixture
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In an email from Roy Hunt....Here are the details for the ronin with some smaller pics that should be suitable for posting as you find an opportunity. As you know, the figure is available from tomorrow Monday 20th March. This is my first piece in 90mm. It comprises 12 pieces, 9 in resin and 3 in white metal. There are 2 heads and a rough straw bed-roll as an alternative to the slung no-dachi (field sword) to offer a couple of options for the modeller</div>[/doHTML]
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In an email from Roy Hunt....Here are the details for the ronin with some smaller pics that should be suitable for posting as you find an opportunity. As you know, the figure is available from tomorrow Monday 20th March. This is my first piece in 90mm. It comprises 12 pieces, 9 in resin and 3 in white metal. There are 2 heads and a rough straw bed-roll as an alternative to the slung no-dachi (field sword) to offer a couple of options for the modeller</div>[/doHTML]