Thanks sooooo much Ray

. I was going to go back and re-visit some figures I was painting before WE
AFTER this figure or maybe another. Now that I look at the differences between my painting styles then and now, I think I'll just purchase those figures and do them again. I still think I have a ways to go but I can see a difference. I guess that's what wer'e really after all isn't it? To improve our brush or sculpting skills with each figure. So many times we find ourselves in a rut and not quite sure what to do or how to get out. To all who find themselves in this situation, I
HIGHLY recommend you attend a figure exibition! It doesn't matter if you enter the compettition or not. Just go see what everyone else is doing. Those of us who are fortunate enough to have a figure club near them don't have this problem. You guys can see each others work all the time. I'm really envious of you who are this lucky. For those of you who are like me, go to a show. Forget the expense and just pick one that's closest to you. find that painter that you admire and start questioning them. Take notes and maybe even ask for an honest critique.
PREPARE YOURSELF FOR WHAT YOU MIGHT HEAR! It may not be what you want to hear but it will help you improve

Ok, where was I? Oh yeah, my progress. Here is where I'm at this morning. I'm almost there. Just a little more. Unfortunately for me, now comes the tedious part of correcting sooooo many of my mistakes and brush slips. Here's a funny story (or not so funny if your'e me!). I was worried about the spyglass case Xenofon was refering to. As I said, I thought he was right so.......I decided to "bend" it a little with my finger. It bent a
LITTLE. Naturally, I pushed it a little more and lo and behold, it broke off! Well, I looked at it and said, "no problemo". I'll just "bend" the straps protruding from the hand a little, glue the case back on and all will be right with the world. Not so. The arm broke off! OMG! If there were an award for screwing up, I'd get Best Of Show
ALL the time!
I told you all that to tell you this, I'm almost finished. I still have a several small things to fix and should be just about finished tonight. The hands are not finished, the white plume isn't and that's about it for the major parts. After those and a few small things, I'll be ready to attach his saber. Then......(Chris are you there?)....I'll include making a nameplate in photoshop here. It'll be 99% of Chris Mrosko's work, but I'll stick it in here to show the figure start to finish. Anyway, here are the pics. Anything I need to fix, PLEASE let me know. Any questions about colors? Ask away.
Jim Patrick