Capt. Warren
Well-Known Member
I really want to thank everyone for all of their help on this project. I undertook this project for a co-worker of mine whose 5th great grandfather was the Imperial Majesty Leib-Guards and was promoted to Poruchik on 1/1/1761. As I started earlier, I started with an SK Miniatures Napoleonic Cuirassier with Horse Head (a former Ademola 22 figure). I had to remove the helmet, epaulets and fancy collar and sleeves but otherwise everything came close enough. Jewelers saws are amazing tools! After learning from theBaron that the helmet was not used during the date range of my project, I had to find a bicorn hat in the correct scale. I imposed on the fine folks at MJ Miniatures and they sent me a spare hat from their kit MJ09-011 which worked perfectly. Had to sculpt the bow and fob. I am not really that good at free hand painting, but think I did a reasonable rendition of Katherine's Monogram. Just closing out and thought I would share some photos of the final piece.