Hello everybody.
I have a large replenishment 54 and 75 mm figures of the Russian company "Soldiers of Publius ".
The series: "Carthage Army", "Ancient China", "Russian Army 1780-90", "Army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 14-15 century", "Anglo-Saxons 9-10 century".
A new addition to the figures of 54 mm from the Russian company "Soldiers Publius."
Series: "Medieval Knights", "First World War", "Russian Army 1780-90".
I want to inform you that the shop studio"Siberia" has replenished the range of figures from the company "Soldiers of Publius".
New figurines from three new lines are on sale:
Army of the Saracen during the Crusades
Army of Christians during the Crusades
Army of the Ottoman Empire of the XVIII century.
I'm still in business)))
But my site has been under DDoS attack for the third month. And I can’t do anything about it yet. However, nothing lasts forever, and someday the attack will end.
But for now, you can coordinate the order in personal correspondence.
To facilitate this task, I will soon prepare a catalog with photographs of figures and their prices, which can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1216KW1P3IbJRHOBmYX60mgKM2hQSFwHu
If you have questions, just write me: [email protected]
Sorry for the inconvenience - but this is the machinations of unfair competitors, as I understand it.