Completed Russian Revolution


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Jun 21, 2009
Just to follow on from my last posting, I did plan to create some sort of back drop for this bust and I finally decided on an archway,a type in keeping with a Russian theme, also it would give me an opportunity to add some more weathering to help set the bust within the scene.
The brickwork was created from sheets of embossed brick which I purchased from my local model railway shop, these were then cut to size and shaped and glued to a backing of Black 0.80 plasticard and put aside to dry.
Next I cut out the stone cladding which would represent the arch from White plasticard 0.60,these were shaped and glued onto the brickwork to represent the arch.
I added a lions head which was a dolls house accessorie to the centre of the arch to give it some character as these sort of things were very popular all over Europe.
The lamp was taken from an old verlinden 1/35th set (Lamposts),I decided to set it on a block of stone which was created from a piece of balsa also cut and shaped.
The icicles were created from broken plastic,i used the casing from a cheap biro and broke it up into small pieces which I then cut to points at one end and then glued these in place beneath the arch were they would naturally form.
I don't use any snow powders now as after a while the stuff seems to come off so I wanted something more permanent,for this I mixed equal amounts of polyfilla + PVA + Matt 34 humbrol white acrylic all together and applied the mix along the top of each brick where the snow would hold,i only added this to the outside of the arch NOT the inside.
The brick work was basecoated in GW eshin grey (2 coats) then futher shades were added over this with GW Tallarn stone / Ushabiti stone / Karak stone / Terminatus stone,after drying the stone work was washed with thin veils of Sepia and Burnt sienna oil paint,the icicles just received a little touch of matt white at the tops.
I really enjoyed this little project and many thanks to all those who followed the previous posts with their very kind coments.

Hope you enjoy the finished result,all coments and criticism welcome.

Happy modeling

Brian / Smudger

bolshevik backdrop final 002.JPGbolshevik backdrop final 003.JPGbolshevik backdrop final 005.JPGbolshevik backdrop final 007.JPGbolshevik backdrop final 008.JPGbolshevik backdrop final 009.JPG
GREAT work Brian!! REALLY where DO YOU come up with these ideas??? As far as I'm concerned you are an "ELITE" modeler!! Hope I don't start a war with that comment!! Dave
Great imagination to construct this beauty Brian.
I am in awe of the concepts that you build around these figures and busts.
I cannot praise your work highly enough.