Russian Scout


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to one and all ,

It was a happy morning when I received the latest little package to come through my door containing a bust from our very own PF member namely Steve Readdie aka "1969" its a WW2 Russian Scout ....first lets have a little bit of history ......

The Red Army scout or razvedchiki was renowned for operating behind enemy lines often using german weapons , wearing mostly the standard 2 piece camouflage combination over field dress . These troops worked with snipers at timesstaying in the field for weeks at a time which produced a battle hardened soldier whose life revolved round his mission .

Lets have a look at the reference that Steve used for the sculpt(just look at the character of the subject) and then we will move on to the model itself .

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Moving onto the actual model itself :

Company name : Reedees Miniatures

Scale : 1:10th

Material : Resin

Reference Number : RM-BU-01

Sculptor : Steve Readie

Box Art : Steve Readie

The model consists of 4 parts (the one piece torso , the weapon and the binoculars and weapon strap , the last 2 were in another separate bag)
came in a stout cardboard box with all parts well packed to prevent any damage .

On the box is a completed version painted by Steve , also included is a small insert detailing the medals our veteran proudly wears .

The pose is a simple one with him cradling the weapon a PPD 34/38 sub machine gun .

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Hi Guys ,

Moving on now to the actual model itself , consisting mainly of 1 one piece casting which includes the head and the torso .

Prep work required was minimal with some flashing to remove from the torso's left and right arm and on the underside , there were casting plugs to remove from the right elbow and the bottom of the bust (both removed easily with snips again) and some tiny lines on the left hand side of the face that needed attention (quick swipe of filler or a wet and dry application - I used this with no problems )

For us modellers what probably attracts us to spend that hard earned pocket money is the sbject and the face , for me personally its the facial chracter and I CONGRATULATE Steve on acheiving a face so very full of chracter , he has a gaunt look with high cheekbones , with a grin and looking in his mouth has teeth missing ..wonderul touch and so very close to the reference used . Hairy bits (hair and eye brows etc) are well defined , particularly the "walrus" moustache he has drooping over his face , also nice to see is a soldier with longer hair .

He is wearing the side cap or pilotka together with the gymnastiorka over which is the camouflage top , sculpting is nicely done with all the folds well defined , the clothing looks like he is actually wearing it and I particularly liked the way the collar is pushed down by the chin , equiptment straps are also sculpted finely ...all of which will aid painting , looking at the details , namely the red star on his cap and the medals ..these are some of the best sculpted versions I have had the pleasure to review ..all of which will be aided by the info sheet included making these a talking point when viewed .

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Lets have a look now at the remaining pieces included

The binoculars are nicely done with casting plug to remove , which I did easily with snips and they then fitted spot on to the torso .

The strap which fits nicely onto the left hand side and then onto the weapon itself , nice sculpting on the clip on this as well .

The weapon itselfhas a casting plug to remove on the end of the stock and is a very accurate version of the actual weapon , working parts are nicely done in particularly the sights ., together with the magazine being well defined , also sculpted is the hand which is holding the stock , this itself has some good woodwork on it , the hand is well done with his forefinger on the trigger guard .

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Hi Guys ,


Steve has produced a good first model , an interesting subject , well thought out , all parts fitted together well with minimal filler required , the pose itself is natural and the weapon sits nicely and naturally ., hopefully there will be more interesting Russian subjects ..perhaps a nurse or maybe a marshall in full uniform .

This is a model which will look great in the display cabinet and be a talking point at shows , I look forward to more releases from Reedees Miniatures .

The model can be obtained by either contacting Steve personally or from El Greco Miniatures ([email protected]) , the price a reasonable £30 plus P and P .


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Congratulations Steve!!

Thanks for reviewing this Nap!:)

this bust are extremly well sculpted by Steve and have lots of character.
I´m considering buying one!(y)