Originally posted by johnbrewer@Jan 14 2004, 03:46 PM
Bob i have this figure in my "to do" stock. Any chance of you giving me the colour mixes you used?
John, the mixes were as follows.
For flesh tones:
Base: Humbrol 61.
Shadows: Humbrol 61, sepia and burnt sienna oils with touch of cad. red.
Highlights: Humbrol 61, cad. yellow medium and white oils.
For tunic:
Base: Humbrol 150
Shadows: Humbrol 150, sepia and touch of paynes gray oils.
Highlights: Humbrol 150, unbleached titatium oils
For trousers:
Base: Humbrol 103
Shadows: Humbrol 103, sepia and touch of Davy's gray oils.
Highlights: Humbrol 103, unbleached titanium, titanium white oils.
For boots:
Base: Humbrol 170, Davy's gray and touch of black oils.
Shadows: Sepia and black oils
Highlights: Base color plus burnt and raw sienna with a whiff of white.
For Bedroll:
Base: Paynes gray, Davy's gray and white
Shadows: Paynes gray and sepia
Highlights: Davy's gray and unbleached titanium
For Mess cup:
Base: Floquil Bronze
Shadows: Mr. Metal copper with sepia wash
Highlights: pure Mr. Metal copper
For leather:
Base: Vallejo red leather and black
Shadows: Sepia oils and burnt uumber
Highlights: Raw sienna and sepia.
For rifle:
Base: Acrylic Burnt Umber
Shadows: Burnt sienna and paynes gray oils
Highlights: Burnt sienna, unbleached titanium and raw sienna oils.
For haversack:
Base: Humbrol 147 and sepia
Shadows: Sepia
Highlights: Titanium white.
For shovel cover:
Base: Humbrol 84
Shadows: Humbrol 84 and burnt umber
Highlights: Humbrol 84, unbleached titanium and titanium white oils