First, I need to apologize for deleting my first post. I just thought it wouldn't be go over well with this community. The M43 uniform, as depicted in this figure, is definitely not a khaki or brownish color as may be associated with the M42 (Normandy) uniform. John is absolutely correct - the M43 is a GREENISH olive green uniform. I've seen several such original uniforms and they are this color and not khaki at all.
Now keep in mind that uniform items were produced by many manufacturers who each formulated their own shade of olive drab (OD) green. It would not be uncommon to find troopers wearing a blouse and trousers of different shades of OD green from different manufacturers. A very good source is the miniseries "Band of Brothers," particularly episodes 4 and 5. Note that the troopers' uniforms in these episodes appeared to be of different shades of OD green.
I'm currently painting S&T's 1/35 BAR gunner, who's also wearing the M43's. Now I'm an oils kind of guy (no, I am NOT falling to the Dark Side!!!

), so I'll offer my undercoat formulas (in Vallejo's). If you need my oil mixes, I'll post them later since I'm currently writing a review of this piece that'll include my oils formulas. Okay, here they are:
JACKET: 2 parts green gray + 3 parts olive gray.
TROUSERS: 2 parts green gray + 2 parts Russian uniform.
These mixes offer slightly different variations of the apparently same OD green color, which was extremely common in the M43 uniform. If you need the perfect airborne online reference, then I invite you to visit Trigger Time - You'll find Screaming Eagles historians, re-enactors and best of all veterans quite active there.
P.S - I saw the original box-art piece at SCAHMS last year and it was definitely not khaki or brown, but green. It also came extremely close to winning the best WW2 figure at SCAHMS last year (or so I heard from the person who awarded this award
