Well after years of fruitless searching, I finally managed to get my own S&T "holy grail" (the "Chosin Few" set) on here in trade a while back. So ya never know!
There are bound to be some buried away in stashes somewhere. It's a real shame that the S&T range haven't been re-issued. I'm guessing that Mr. Rosengrant is just sitting on the masters, which seems a bit of a waste given how popular (and good) they are.
Best of luck in your search Jason.
- Steve
I think the JR that ran S&T was maybe John Robinson? That name sticks in my head for some reason. John Rosengrant did sculpts but I think that was the extent of it all. It pains me to think that somewhere, in a dark closet or basement, sit all the masters for the S&T stuff, just rotting away...
What's it worth now?