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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
UK wiltshire
Dear Planeteers,

I have finished this S&T piece and i cannott reccoment it highly enough, i used Vallejo model colour for clothing and flesh base colours and oils for finishing the flesh - Thanks again to Denes for reference material ,

The rifle in the kit was warped which was my only minor dissapointment with this figure, my second from S&T , will certainly get some more !

The Kit represents a member of The Luftwaffe Feild Division at Anzio Nettuno 1944, the sculpt and composition is great as he looks battle weary and battered, i have tried to piant him to suggest light wounds, i am going to add a ciggarette once the oils have dried because he looks like he prob needs one !!:), the roots on the base came from a shrub that i dug up in the garden and the long grass is commercial dear hair grass, the Luftwaffe badge came from a SOL models bust that i bought and then hated !

Anyway please see attached photos, critique and comments welcome as always

Best Regards



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Thanks gents

Dear Marcel and Rocky, thanks for your kind comments,

This was a great figure to paint, the bandage is well sculpted and there are other rips in his feild jacket representing light wounding also his face has a sticking plaster dressing !!

Enjoy the hobby


Hi Denes,

I guess i did finish him quick, but it was one of those figures that i just couldnt put down, really enjoyed this one, thanks for the comments about the camo jacket, your ref material really helped so many thanks for that as well

These S&T figures are great

I have emailed Jeff to try and order his figures but no reply of yet - have ordered a Jaguar models fallscrimjager oberluitnent from the mega model shop on ebay (seller wing pro) whilst i wait for a reply from Jeff, Rob hardwick has good pieces from the imperial gallery as well, so i may have to drop him a line.

Beautiful kirky.. I also have vallejo and was wondering what colors were used and how you did the camo so well? Those eyes just stare at you!
Hi corey,

Thanks for the nice comments, its saturday night here in the UK and i am a little refreshed on tins on tetleys at the mo, i will post again tommorrow with some details for you (i also have a reveiw on a JMD figure to post once the beer monsters have gone away) - the reference material came from a great guy on this forum by the name of denes

Thanks for your interest, and promise that i will post tommorrow.

Best Regards from the uk

Kirky :)
Dear Cory,

As promised some vallejo paints that i used for the figure note i use Calvin tans technique of a black spray undercoat , drybrushed with white and then base coats drybrusehed over the whites, with tints and washes to remove the harshness

blue uniform- Base - 70866 grey green , washed with 70898 dark sea blue finished with paynes grey oilpaints highlighted with a wet blend of soft white oilpaint

Camo jacket- after black spray under coat, white drybrush etc
Base- mix of 70847 - dark sand and 70978 dark yellow washed with black and 70988 khaki - i dont use precise mix ratios i just play untill things look right
Brown geometric shapes - 70983 saddle brown highlighted with 70983 flat earth.

Green geometric shapes - 79850 medium olive highlighted with 70967 olive green for extra highlights mix in 70977 desrt yellow

For the splinters i used 70896 extra dark green.

I am not a precise painter i just experiment, i have a 120mm Fallscrhimjager on its way when it arrives i will post step by step with photos if that may help.

Anyway best wishes enjoy the hobby

Kind Regards Kirky :)
Ah thank you for the explanation. I do indeed have some of the colors mentioned since I bought a "theme" pack of 17 colors for ww2 german figures. What is your paint:water ratio for the wash? So far I havent really used a wash on 1/35 since a basecoat and highlight/shade satisfy the figure. I love the white oil highlight on the pants, don't have any oils but i'm sure a acrylic highlight would work if done properly.

Hello mag,
sorry should have said this is a 120mm piece - 1/35th is my nightmare !!!

Wash consistancy i use is similair to water, again not exact just experiment.
You could try some oils they are great for finishing flesh / face details in this scale i only use a limited pallete over a vallejo acrylic base, thats how i got his eyes right !
Hope this is okay

Nice job on the painting

You have done a great job on painting this one.
Does the head in the kit come seperate or is it attached to the body?

Looking forward to seeing your next figure

I know its 120mm kirk, but I am doing 1/35 now.. 1/72 is my nightmare Lol!. But i'll try some wash ratios and might use an enamel one since I have some colors to do that in..
