In all his modesty, Didier omitted to say that he's a proficient sculptor and that several of you have painted the figures he did for Métal Modèles.
Following are pictures I made of colleagues and friends. I thought it would be nice for you, planeteers, to put faces on familiar names.
Mini Yalta at METAL MODELES – l. to r.: Jacques Vuyet (Le Cimier), Michel Saëz, Bruno Leibowitz (Métal Modèles)
LE CIMIER – l. to r.: Cyrille Conrad (Modèles et Allures), Jacques Vuyet (Le Cimier)
DES KIT – Maurice and Yannick Dès
PRINCE AUGUST – This firm does a commendable job for youngsters and newbies with their figure ranges and acrylic paints
MODELES ET ALLURES – Cyrille Conrad is the youngest of a long line of Conrads known to veterans and Campaigns readers (like Guy!

). He's also designs jewellry for a world-renowned French firm.
EISENBACH – My long-time pal Fabrice sculpted some of the best horses in the mini-world. He also does the demi-ronde-bosses distributed by Métal Modèles. THE typical Parisian artiste!
and finally, a shameless plug, our own PiLiPiLi stand with as usual, nobody behind the counter (too busy chatting and taking pictures :lol: )