Samurai Armies


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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2004
Managua, Nicaragua
Hi, I been thinking on doing some Samurai themes but would like to start with 28mm figures, any recommendations on Brands or special manufacture

, thank you for the help


Eduardo Tellez
You might take a look at the Samurai figures by West Wind Productions: www.westwind They have a series which I think they call Samurai Wars.
Thanks Brian and Mike, my first try was with Foundry miniatures but I was amazed to find out that they don't have a Japanese series, so I when back to the Perry Bros. also would check the figures of the two brands your recommend,

here are some of the next projects for the Samurai Series



Muchas Gracias Amigos,



I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood your question. I thought you were looking for figures to buy, but apparently you are looking for a manufacturer to market your figures. Am I correct in my assumption that these are figures that you have sculpted?

These are wonderful figures! Let us know if you find someone to market them for you.

Originally posted by MSzwarc@Dec 16 2005, 10:04 PM

I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood your question. I thought you were looking for figures to buy, but apparently you are looking for a manufacturer to market your figures. Am I correct in my assumption that these are figures that you have sculpted?

These are wonderful figures! Let us know if you find someone to market them for you.

These figures are Perry Miniatures' greens. The Samurai Wars series is very comprehensive and reviewing it again I was sorely tempted to return to Japanese military history miniatures which I abandoned some years ago as the research and the detailed painting was overwhelming. However, the Perry range is superb and I'm drawn back. Thanks, Eduardo, for reminding me.
Sorry Mike, my mistake, forgot to mention it, this are not my, But may be one day I could try. Let see in the future what happen. I wish I could sculpt one day like the Perry Brothers, this photos are from the new additions to the Feudal Japan series from the Perry Brothers.

I'm looking for 28mm figures on this period, So I would buy some from the Perry Bros Samurai minis.

Brian, I'm Happy to read that your are going back to this period, best luck painting this little guys.

Saludos amigo Mike y Brian.


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