Review Sandhurst Cadet from DG Artwork


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Look to your front folks .......

Following on from the first release from DG Artwork in the new Military Academy Series which looked at Westpoint and one that I reviewed here :

The 2nd in the series was announced here and in other media :

The release is of course this one:

Sandhurst has a long tradition of excellence , and full of traditions . the course is open to all from many different countries​
The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst located in Surrey is where all officers in the British Army are trained to take on the responsibilities of leading the soldiers under their command.

More than 80 percent of officer cadets are university graduates, but some arrive with A-levels or equivalents.

Others are serving soldiers who have been selected for officer training, and some come from overseas, having been chosen by their own country’s army to train at the world famous Academy.

People cannot undertake training at their own private expense.

The Commissioning Course for Regular Army officers is 44 weeks long, including recess periods. It runs three times a year, starting in January, May and September.

Various coloured lanyards are worn for each division with the Sovereign's having muti coloured ones on pass out .

Sashes worn by some are Rank Markers with some having epaulettes having braid denoting Junior Under Officers

The Army Reserve course isshorter, as is the training course Sandhurst offers military personnel with professional qualifications in areas such as law and medicine.

Training at Sandhurst covers military, practical and academic subjects, and while it is mentally and physically demanding, there’s also plenty of time set aside for sport and adventurous training.

It’s a proud day for officer cadets going into the Regular Army when they finally march up the steps of Old College to be commissioned as officers at the end of the prestigious Sovereign’s Parade.
The Sovereign's Parade at the end of each term marks the passing out from Sandhurst of Officer Cadets

During the ceremony, the Sword of Honour, the Overseas Sword and the Queen's Medal are awarded by the Sovereign's Representative to the top Officer Cadets.

The parade traditionally ends with the Adjutant riding his horse up the steps of Old College as he follows the graduating Officer Cadets through the Grand Entrance.
After a formal lunch with friends, family and Regimental Officers, the day concludes in spectacular and celebratory fashion at the exclusive Commissioning Ball, where, at the stroke of midnight, the newly commissioned Second Lieutenants proudly display their rank insignia for the first time.

Royalty also attend Sandhurst both British and foreign including Price's William and Harry and the Brunie princes​
Books are always good to look at and here are a few of interest , there is of course the MOD website as well .​
Continued in next post​
By the Right ....quick march the resin

Details of the release:

Title: Sandhurst United Kingdom Military Academy

Series Title : World Military Academy Series

Reference: DG12B008

Scale: 1/12th

Material: Gray Resin

No of parts: 3

Sculptor: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

Box Art: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

As with all of the previous West Point release a good strong box with excellent graphics and colour references on all 2 of the sides , the parts were in plastic bags and then in a bubble wrap envelope.

Sandhurst DG 001.jpgSandhurst DG 002.jpg

Parts consist of just 3:

The main torso , head and cap , there is a sculpted RMAS badge included on the built in base

Sandhurst DG 003.jpg


With only 3 parts prep is going to be quick and easy and again we find the casting plugs in easy to access positions , so a quick saw/sharp knife and sand will be all that is required .

Excess resin is at :
Under built in base and a fine casting line at sides
Rear of cap ( upper crown )
Head under neck before fitting
Lets look at the actual parts now:

Main Torso

As with the Westpoint we have just the upper torso angled down towards the centre at the front and at the back its angled up towards the right .

Sandhurst DG 004.jpg
Our cadet is an ex ranker selected for commission , he has completed the parachute course " P Company" and wears wings on his right upper arm , he also has a medal , court mounted ,and across his chest we have a sash as well .

Sandhurst DG 008.jpg Sandhurst DG 009.jpg Sandhurst DG 005.jpg

The work on the sash is well done the edging has a lined border , slight texture , again painting will bring out the surface .

Wearing the uniform "blues" we see very good undercuts and seam definition on the torso , buttonwork is good , clearly round , no details on them ( there would be a badge ...use paint effects to suggest this if you wish.
Angled from the centre of the pockets we have the seamed make up of the jacket , I like to emphasise and highlight the edges when I paint .
Folds and creases are softly done and not overworked which is good to see , all are positioned well , particularly at the shoulders , the epaulettes are plain and very well sculpted with particularly good undercuts clearly evident .
On the left shoulder we have the lanyard denoting the division( term) he belongs to , very well shown in the way its constructed , o the opposite arm we have the para wings , these are the dress version and are a nice shape , again careful painting will bring the details out .
At the collar which is low cut we find the white patches telling us he is an officer under training , a good size in relation to the original with a braid running up the middle leading to a smaller button.

Sandhurst DG 007.jpg

The neck area is very clean with no excess resin to remove and is ready to take the head itself
The base is an integral part of the piece and I like this style of sculpting and presentation ...especially in this scale , the base is further enhanced by a extremely well done badge ...very detailed in work with all the letters clearly visible ..this would look great all painted up in full colour.


This again is a young fellow , but this time he is facing the right in the "Eyes Right" position , its enough to say that all the features are extremely well sculpted with the casting bringing this out even more , the clarity of the eyes and the shaping of the nose and mouth are excellent ., apart from hair ( textured ) at the rear and small sideburns , there is no other facial hair .

Sandhurst DG 010.jpgSandhurst DG 013.jpg
Sandhurst DG 014.jpgSandhurst DG 012.jpg

Fit is simple and sits well into the opening of the torso's neck area.


This is the service dress cap , very dark blue almost black in colour with a red band and piping at the centre and around the crown , the shaping is very good , the crown sitting level and proud .
On it we have the cap badge and despite the size the shape is spot on with the main letters "ER" clearly seen with the crown at the top also being very well done .

Sandhurst DG 017.jpgSandhurst DG 015.jpgSandhurst DG 016.jpg

Final Thoughts
A very simple and classic bust , easy to prep , well sculpted and presented and a relatively quick paint , a nice addition to the series and I look forward to seeing #3 and more in the series . I have no hesitation in recommending this and all the products from DG Artwork matter what scale.

For more information why not visit the website at
email : [email protected]

or PM them via PF .

Finally lets have some more pictures of the box art painted by the man himself Dae-Hyeong, Kim

Thanks to DG Artwork for the review piece and to you all for looking in


Happy modelling to you all
