I started to do this figure,its a real new feeling for me,cause normaly i do only 54 mm figures,or 1/35.
It was scary,to work on such a large areas.
The green of the Shemagh is not good,i will change it later.
It looks really good, keep it going. It´s funny to hear that some people are afraid of big scales, I´m actually afraid of small scales, I just don´t know how some people manage to push so much detail into something so small as 54m and all so masterful!!! Keep posting.....
The figure is from Imperial Gallery.I bought it from ebay years ago....
I checked the company website,but i didnt find this one in the catalog....
Maybe its out of production!??
thanks Roland, I guess I asked you over at Time Lines also, but didn't see your response until after I posted here. I have never seen that particular kit from IG either. Do you have a kit # or a photo of the box handy?
Rob here is a pic about the box!I hope it will help you forward.One of the pics is really faded,and abused.Its look like the box stand very long in the window of the shop,and the sun killd the colors.
The Serail number is:IG/A /No.62
And the Ebay store name is "Model-Game"....maybe he can help you out.
Looking Good Roland. I tried to locate the kit but no luck. Can't even find Imperial galleries website anymore. The guy you bought from on Ebay still there just didn't have that kit.
Thanks for the pic!Is this pic from the first Gulf war??If yes,you helped me a lot,cause its real hard to get some quality pics from this unit on the internet.
Its look like they used this,"Arafat style" Shemagh,and the "Green one")
Thanks a lot.