I have to do some little work with the shield (dirt/mud).Photos are too bright again, as I forgot to put some thin paper in front.I hope you like it.I'll post some updates with the base and next I 'll deal with Maurizio's hoplite!!!
Nice workthere Christo. I just think that shield needssome workon the contrasts shading and highlighting, unless its the shooting light that eliminates them . keep on working like that !
The shield has more contrasts,some chipping,I have to paint some more earth colours for the dirt and mud (to break monotony).I'm planing to make a base with a lot of roots,leaves e.t.c..Thanks for your comments guys!
great work Christos,i wait to see it finished because i think that when you will put dust and mud it will looks more realistic.dont forget to make some shadows to the shield..