SCAHMS California Show 17 th. and 18th. of March.


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
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SCAHMS Model Soldier Society welcomes you on the 17 and 18th 0f March 2006 to join their annual event.

Hey Roc, the dates for SCAHMS are the 17th and 18th not the 19th. Aside from that, I'll be there and hope to hook up with many PF buddies. Since we are on the subject of SCAHMS, I have a figure that I will have on display, that I am not sure which category to enter in. I normally enter in Advanced Painters because I am pretty much a stock figure painter (do the occasional dio) but the figure in question has been "enhanced" not so much of a conversion, but a hand has been repositioned and replaced, same with a canteen, a beltplate added as well as a bayonet, and a tin cup. The groundwork is also important to the piece, so I am thinking of entering this one in Advanced Open but I am not sure.
Originally posted by captnenglish@Feb 26 2006, 12:23 AM
I have a figure that I will have on display, that I am not sure which category to enter in.
Matt, Enter the catagory you feel the most comfortable with.:) ~Gary
Originally posted by Anders Heintz@Feb 26 2006, 01:16 PM
It looks like I will be going to SCHAMS for the first time this year!

Looking forward to meet all the new people and to check California out.
Cool, looking forward to meeting you.
Hi Matt, If you want your piece judged on paintwork alone, enter "Painters"; judges in the "Open" category will look at other qualities, such as difficulty, imagination, and overall impact as well. Hope that helps.
Originally posted by Randy Myers@Feb 27 2006, 06:13 PM
Hi Matt, If you want your piece judged on paintwork alone, enter "Painters"; judges in the "Open" category will look at other qualities, such as difficulty, imagination, and overall impact as well. Hope that helps.
Randy, that sort of helps, I mean I know the critrea for judging, but I guess it is a decision I will have to make when I get there. I assume that you and Kathy(?) will be there. Sorry for the late response, I just saw this message.