SCAHMS souvenir


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 13, 2005
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
I picked this fellow up from the vendor tables at the SCAHMS show this past March. Hopefully, the inspiration I got from the show is evident in the painting, but you can judge that for yourselves. Thanks in advance for your criticisms and comments.

Damn, I'm sorry i missed that one in the vendor area (and meeting you). you've done a great job and inspired a conversion for an idea I have been kicking around for awhile.

That looks really good! I like the flesh tones and the weathering on the coat. Plus the blues and reds look shadowed and highlighted just reight. Nice Job.

Brad Spelts
Thank you both very much. I was thinking of a conversion myself Matt. Given the interest lately in Franco-Prussian War figures, I thought it would not be to difficult to change this to a French Zouave of that conflict. Maybe next time :)
You've done a good job on this one .I take it you paint in oils
Any criticism would be i'd have liked to see some shots taken further away as you nearly blew my eyeballs out when i opened your link.Is he 54mm?
Glenn, you've done a fine job on this figure and yes, your inspiration shows through. This would make a fine figure in anyone's collection (y) .

Jim Patrick
Thanks again guys. I hear you on the image size Brian. I was a little shocked at the size myself when I previewed the post, which I find easier to view if I move my chair back about 6 feet from the monitor. The problem is I know just enough about computers to be dangerous. This is a 120 mm figure from the "Warriors" line.