Scale Model Challenge 2017


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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Hi fellow figure painters,

Please note 21 & 22 October 2017 on your calendar for SMC 2017!

With the chance of repeating ourselves, this years’ show promises to be even more exciting than before with a sensational variety and number of traders, manufacturers, publishers and clubs, but also an enlarged contest area.

We are already fully booked for trade and clubs stands, and we will publish the lists with all exhibitors on our website soon.

Located in the central Expozone is the exhibition with displays of our contest judges and other invited guests. In this area, but also on other stands across the show you can attend many, ongoing demonstrations by renowned scale modellers and figure painters.

We are currently preparing the interactive workshop program which will be published in April, at which time we will also open the registrations for them. We have programmed short (2-2,5 hrs) and longer (4 hrs) workshops in which you work on your figures or models under supervision of some of the best artists in our hobby.

And because this year is our anniversary year (2007-2017), we will celebrate 10 years SMC in an appropriate, but still secret way. So secret we don’t even know all the details ourselves :cool: . So we will surprise ourselves as much as we will surprise you this time.

All the latest information is available on our website and follow us on Facebook.

SMC 2017: Be there and make the difference!
Hello everybody,

SMC 2017 is less than four weeks away and we would like to share some information with you.

Pre-registrations for the contest are open until Monday 16th October. Pre-registration not only saves you time to enjoy the show even more, but you also save 50% on the registration fee. Of course you can also enter your work on Saturday 21st October until 12:30.
For more information please check the contest page of the SMC website:

For those of you who wish to join us during the SMC dinners on Saturday and/or Sunday: please make sure to register in advance, before 10th October, to ensure your seats, as we expect a high attendance.
Please use the special form on the website to register for the SMC diners:

Over 170 stands with global attendance from numerous traders, manufacturers, clubs and other exhibitors show you the latest state of our hobby.
For the complete lists please go the dedicated pages of our website:
On Saturday night there is live music in the Metro bar of the NH Eindhoven hotel, by JP Dana from France. Anyone with good vocal chords or with a lot of courage is invite to join JP on stage and sing along with their favourite tune.

Also interesting to know is that we have a two day workshop program during SMC and while several of these workshops have been fully booked, there are still several seats available at some of the other workshops, with interesting theme’s and tutoring by great modellers and painters. Registration closes on October 12.
More details:

An amazing and brand new bust will be available at the show, as our 2017 commemorative figure. Sculpted by Anastasiya Podorozhna and released by Alexandros Models. The box art is painted by Alexandre Cortina Bonastre. Pictures will be op on our Facebook page and the website shortly.

For more information about the above and everything else that SMC has to offer, please go to

We hope to welcome you at SMC 2017
I just wish I could be there. I'm sure it will all be a roaring success, and I hope everyone will have a great time. Already looking forward to a LOT of pictures on here.:D
