Open Book Scale Model Handbook 13 from Mr Black Publications


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to everyone,

Mr Black sounds like something out of the Cluedo board game from many years ago but in our world in Miniature it refers to a publisher of a series of books that now should be on everyone's bookshelf .

The series is of course the Scale Model Handbook and recently we had the release of No 13 this number considered unlucky but not for us as 13 is full of magic again....

As expected with the "wizard" called Stelios Demiras waving his wand over the book.

The book was received in high quality packing and very quickly , snide it was enclosed in a bubblewrap envelope ..all keeping the book in perfect condition .

As with the other 12 ( it's hard to believe we have so many in the series!) it is printed on top quality paper , with Matt laminated card covers and is packed with full colour pictures from cover to cover , these being of the highest quality as in the other editions.

We are in for a treat when opening to book with a total of 9 articles from 8 of the most talented artists in the ministure world these include many PF members.

Let's look at each article during which I will highlight parts of it thatI particularly enjoyed seeing:

The first is from Kazufumi Tomori and uses a large scale figure from Bonehead Models , sculpted of course by Mike Good to depict a WW2 squad leader .

These large scale figures are very popular and it's good to see one in the contents , Kaz uses Acrylics and mainly Jo Sonja out came my notebook!

We are shown flesh painting and of course eyes ..but for me the standout part of the article is the SBS on painting the camo uniforms with a total of 18 full colour pictures on this alone , very informative and very easy to follow and get trchniques from .
In addition to these pictures we have 16 covering face painting , 8 on the eyes and a further 4 of the completed figure in various views ....awesome start


No 2 is a bust hah ! Done by a regular contributor to the series Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth and he has chosen a very colourful subject from Stormtroopers the Iridh Brigade Standard bearer ...I have this in my GA and must admit straight away this article gave me the push to get it out again!

Using Acrylics and Oils Ernesto shres his pallette and wonderful painting skills from he first word beginning with prep we launch straight into face painting , brilliant results are seen ( oh how I wish !) , we then move to the uniform and equiptment then next the actual flag itself , this is the one area I wanted to read about , great information and a fine result .

I also took away from the article good leather techniques as well .

The final result from a wonderfully sculpted piece is a great painted bust , depicting a battle torn and dirty soldier holding proudly his flag daring the enemy to try and get it .

Colour again springs from the pages a total of 13 pictures , 5 showing the completed bust the remainder covering the article contents.


No 3 is again from Ernesto this time we have a 120 mm figure from Alpine Miniatures of a SAS trooper in WW2 ..great subject choice .
As before we have the flesh painting ..out came the note book ! , the mixes are well described as is the text making reading a enjoyable time .
Our subject wears a camo uniform over which we have a leather jerkin , again the uniform painting is covered a full detail but for me it was the jerkin and leather painting I was interested in ...stunning results , again well explained .
I also liked the wood painting mixes on the carbine the note book!

Throughout the article again full colour with 6 pictures being the completed figure and a further 20 interspersed within the article itself .


Next up in article 4 we are at the bench of Anders Heintz a true master of scratch building , in the article he takes us to Quatre Bras in a corner of the 42 Black Watch square ....
Anders covers everything , the composition trial and error are shared with the final result looking really great and that is with no paint on!

Turning the pages I thought it would be the next article but NO Anders now covers painting , with the statement that he is a "visual " painter ..if it looks right ..well let me tell you Anders it certainly does look right ..great result...and a great article aswell

What did I most like ..well it's got to be the kilt painting .. Never really done one but tempted and ths will help !

Pictures again leap from the pages with 15 in full colour and a further 13 being the scratch building ones.


On now to number 5 this time it's Daniel Milosevich that is at the bench using a Pegaso mounted Knight in a small yet full article with of colur mixes . Daniel also tells us how he used Aluminium foil to make a banner , painting using Acrylics and Oils really nice results are a achieved .

In the short text the painting of the chain Mail is now in the notebook so thanks Daniel .

As I said mixes are shared and includes the horse ones ( a gray) ..fine result as well .

The article covers 4 pages , 2 full ones are of the completed figure the remaining 2 having 3 smaller pictures again in colour ...I do hope we see more from Daniel in future issues.


No 6 is written by Javier Gonzalez "Arsies" and is only 2 pages long but covers what to every painter is the one area they strive to get right ...I know I do and I know I can improve and by using the massive amount of info packed into the pages we will all take something away from the article .

What is the article ...Face Painting using Acrylics this time and. 54 mm figure , we have a total of 10 SBS pictures , 3 of the completed figure and for me what was really good was another picture of the mixes in a empty tablet dispenser that Javier uses ...nice tip this.

A small BT very vital article which msny will find of great use .


Lucky article No 7 is this time another scale ..90 mm and a mounted figure of Napoleon crossing the Alps from of course Pegaso , this time by Issac Jaramillo Sama , based in the famous picture by David .

Isaac is a talented painter and provides his take on this piece ..he is both constructive and critical (the face needed work to make it look like Napoleon for instance) .
The horse is white metal so rightly he advises pinning and painting first .

I love the statement "airbrush is indispensable but the paintbrush is absolutely necessary" oh how very true IMO also Issac says ..It's called "style" it!

Again mixes are given with the horse being in Oils , 2 full colur page pictures of the completed piece a stunning horse Issac , and a further 2 smaller ones within the article itself.


Turning the pages to article 8 we have a 120 mm from Mitches Military Models , the article written by Juanma Vergara he has chosen a US Para , over a4 page spread we have a total of 1 full page colour picture with another showing 2 pictures on a full page and another 2 3/4 size ones within the article .

Well written again a mass of mixes are included and for me what went straight into the notebook was the uniform ones , great to have it in one , good advice as well about using X21 matting with paints .

Another smaller yet very informative article complimenting the others in this book .


Now we come to the final article and turning the pages my eyes lit up a blast of co,ur and. Bust as well ..I am a happy man !

No 9 is written by Joannis Tsiktsiris who has chosen the very distinctive Soartan Officer from Youngs in 1/10 th scale .

Over 3 pages we have an explosion of colour with the red of his crest and cloak together with the armour .

Needless to say the red mixes are in my book , lovely result without a doubt from Joannis.

As always mixes are shared for me again I also took away the leather mix ( ading royal purple to the base colour something Inam going to try!

I really like the armour painting , the highs and wear are great , again mixes are in the text .

Although only 3 pages a great end to the book , as always colour is included this time over 1 and 3/4 pages of various views of the completed bust ..lovely work


The final couple of pages at the back are given over to supporters of the series , Pegaso, Vallejo and Sphere Products with Hawk Miniatures being featured on the inside from cover ..... all who of course have websites and products well worth looking at ...I personally thank them for supporting Mr Black Publications.

Final thoughts:

This is another really good addition to the series , no 13 unlucky for some ..not for us , packed full onPF excellent articles well explained and loaded to the gunnels with mixes's another treat to add to the library and one that should definstely be in anyone's bookshelf...alongside the others!

Thanks to Mr Black Publications for the review book ..enjoy getting this folks and Inam looking forward to seeing No 14!

For more details and for great offers on this series of books visit the website at :

Email: [email protected]


Or you could always pm Stelios through this forum

Thanks for looking in to look again at the other 12 I have!

Very nicely put together Kevin, looking at the excellent review this is a subscription I should be looking at ;-)
