Scale Model World, Telford UK, 9th & 10th November 2013


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Tommys War

A Fixture
Jan 29, 2013
Hinckley, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Official website

A heads-up to see who's planning on going to Scale Model World in Telford next month? (3 weeks on Saturday!)

I'm in Hall 2, with a wall table - not sure the exact location yet.

I've got limited space in the car due to bringing the new Tommy's War releases for November - but will have the last couple of Deeds that thrill the Empire and the full range of Dark World Creations on behalf of Aaron - so if you want to pre-order anything then let me know and I can make sure it's reserved.
Hi Darren,
I am not far from the same location as last year bt you seem to be on the opposite wall to me, with Jon Page in the middle (same place as last year Jon). If you look on the website you can get you full location and then look it up on the map.

Looking forward to seeing every one at the show, always have a good time at this one.

All the releases from Euro will be available.
Will be there in hall one with The Imperial Gallery. Looking forward to the show as I missed Euro this year. Will be releasing some of the new figures I have, see you all there.

I will see you all there, come and say hello and shake hands if they are not full of Zulu war figures!
chimp joining hands.jpg


I'll be there on my stand The Base 2B somewhere in hall 2 next to Reedes Minatures . Really looking forward to this year show , although I might spend to much on Bi-planes and 1/48th ground crew :happy::happy:
Judging from what I saw today at IPMS Glasgow we all need carers Everyone had a limp of one sort or another including me :rolleyes: keep it clean now :)
We will be there!
Name It! should be in the same spot as last year.
We'd love to say hello to all.