A Fixture
The impetus for this figure was a photo (below) of a reenactor dressed in the uniform of a Hanoverian Rifles Sergeant. I loved the way the yellow sash contrasted with the dark green uniform and the horse emblem on his shako.
The figure is 54mm (1:30), sculpting in MagicSculp and Bees Putty.
Below are some snaps of the initial stages of the sculpting of the figure. They are shown in reverse order:
Mannequin fleshed up
Me in rough pose wearing similar weight clothing
Photo that got the whole thing started.

The figure is 54mm (1:30), sculpting in MagicSculp and Bees Putty.
Below are some snaps of the initial stages of the sculpting of the figure. They are shown in reverse order:
Mannequin fleshed up
Me in rough pose wearing similar weight clothing
Photo that got the whole thing started.