... Though I personally feel that 180mm is
really a manly scale

- have you seen those by Le Cimier etc., quite a sculpting effort - I sure do agree that your Prussian Jager is simply ...
There is something about your creations which takes them to the sublime, above anything else.
I recall when I took my dad to Euromilitaire, years ago; it was the year when your NY zouave standard bearer was on display. My father isn't in the hobby himself (but who knows, in the future maybe ?), and he had never heard of the name Bill Horan, but when I asked him which figures he liked best, he pointed out almost everything that you put on display; he said: "you can say what you want, but that guy sure can sculpt and paint a figure".
By the way: my dad usually has a somewhat similar reaction when one critisizes the legendary Belgian soccer player of the '60ies and '70ies, Paul Van Himst - something like, "Yeah, but at least he could play ball".
Keep them coming, Bill. Your work is an inspiration for all of us.
Best regards,