Second Figure


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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2003
Culver City, CA--USA
Hi All! I finally have some time to get back at the bench & broke out Elite's 'Spanish Knight' as my second figure. Even with the Optivisor I'm still missing stuff--but I finally figured out how to really check it: take close up photos! Man, everything shows up!!! It's a great 'editing' tool. This one was done with Vallejo acrylics (except for chain mail & other metal parts, which was done with Gunze Sanyo Mr. Metals). I haven't worked up the base yet, but I want to finish the painting the figure first. Please give me your feedback!
(Yes, I know he's bloody--I just watched 'Kingdom of Heaven' this week!)
Hi Linda

Just taken a look, for a second figure your definately going in the right direction. You may need to thin down the acrylics with a little with distilled water, this makes the colours flow better and keeps them flat, it also helps you not to loose any detail. You did pick a very dificult colour for the surcoat, white is hard to paint, a good refernce for painting whites and blacks is Mike Blanks book on the subject, very informative, different medium but very easy to follow into acrylics....

Well done


For your second figure congratulations. You did a fine job. I'm not an acrylic painter so i can given you no advice.
So i think Dave has make some points.
But keep painting, you will make great progression.

Well,that,s the way.My first works with acrilics in the late 80,s are horrific!;but after twenty years +- of hard apprenticeship,now my figures are correct.More water,please,and congratulations,Linda.Jose.
Hello Linda,

Like Megroot saids, if this is your second figure, wow, congratulations, but a great congratulations. You must put the mixture betwen paint and water a little bit liquid.
And the final result will be better.
Congratulations again, and carry on working, this is the secret. :)

Hi Linda, I got the same figure, is just amazing to paint it.

Mix the whites like the fellow Plateneers say, and use another color to mix white, don't use it directly, sometimes I mix white with a little, little drop of yellow, medium flesh or cork brown, I read once that some people use blue, but haven't try that one.

This is a tough looking guy, well after the bloody battle¡¡¡¡¡ :)

Keep us posted of your next project


About the white, i work in a paper factory and i use to make the pulp for the paper.
When it have to be pure white, we poore in some blue concentrated paint in to the verry huge barrels, so wat you said about mixing some blue in to the white could be correct. (try it sometime and let us know)

And Linda for your second atempt you are surely on the trac

(y) Peter
Peter thanks you the comment, this would clear the way, nothing better to hear from a expert on the field of colors like you, I would give it a try.

Thanks for all the great input! I will try the distilled water for sure. I played around a LOT with consistancy, trying to get it like Shep Paine said ('like ink from a pen'). I used to paint animation cells (back in the 70s!) & I remember it took some time to get the paint to flow right onto the cells (kind of like condensed milk, perhaps a bit thinner & smoother). There was definitely an "AHA!" moment when I knew I'd mastered it.

As for adding other colors to the white, I used off white & a touch of dark sand initially (read that combo somewhere too). Then I kept glazing layers of it making it lighter & lighter as I went along. I have plenty of Templars in my grey army, so I'll get plenty of practice with those surcoats before I'm through!

I'll post the final pics in a few days when I clean up the places I over-painted, etc.--and hopefully will have a nice base for him too.

Thanks again for the input--and keep it coming. I'm always looking for new ways of approaching things as I learn the ropes. ;)