Tongue depressors make great roofing boards.The boards may look wide to the modern eye but they really were easily available in those days.Each board was hand selected for color,pattern , texture and lots of defects.Ten years ago I had bought a whole load of these second quality depressors and used the best of them for hangars that I was building .I kept what I thought was junk just in case,and a good thing it was that I did, because they are perfect for my purposes now.As a modeler one thing I learned early on was not to throw anything model related or what could be model related away.
I used my usual nimbus gray/raw sienna mix and lots of water and created a wash.I put on three thin coats and dried between coats with a hair dryer.It is my normal practice to color my boards before putting them on the model but in this case I only want to paint the film set side and leave the prop side natural,like a prop would be in reality..You don't paint what won't be seen in the film!
The carpentry is crude in keeping with what I see in my references.I haven't yet decided on the weathering I will do on these boards, because the desert environment is something new to me.There are two ways I can approach this, either the rail car was brought from the east and was mostly weathered in a damper environment with lots of rust etc... or leave the wood bleached from the sun ,or something in between.