Serious Figure Problem-Dilemma


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A Fixture
Jun 23, 2007
Houston, TX
Here is the problem-dilemma. I have been stocking up on many figures for the past year and I have trouble deciding which ones to start!
Just curious if any of you have the same dilemma and how do you make a decision?
Not really a dilemma as it is part of the hobby with many of us. I have kits that are 20 years old now and just opened one and started it several weeks ago. Alot of times what I choose may depend on what I just read, a movie I just watched or just plain gorgeous sculpting on the figure. That is why I rarely sell off my accumulated kits because what may inspire me today may also inspire me a couple of years from now and a companion figure was just released that will go with him.

I bought Pegaso's recent 75mm Ollonais and was not particulaily inspired to start him until today when Romeo released at WE2008 2 companion figures for him along with a 75mm Tavern accessory. I'm inspired now and glad I bought the Pegaso and have just ordered the 2 companion figures that will go along with him.

If I am at a point where I just don't know which figure to start I start going through the internet show galleries (there is a ton of these out there going back 10 years or more) and always end up comming to a conclusion of which to start next.
Thanks for chiming in. I just posted a review of APG's Washington bust and I am seriously considering him at the moment. I have decided to do two busts at a time and work on one of my mounted pieces as well. My biggest problem is that I don't want screw one up. The mounted ones are expensive as you well know. I also have four new additions to my bust collection in addition to GW.
Now for the mounted
I have collected a few PM figures, 2 mounted and 2 on foot and 2 FD originals but I am saving these beauties until I get better. Thanks to Chuck at the Red Lancer I have 4 other LOOP kits that are incredible. My thinking at the moment is to paint the mounted crusader but I am still not sure about the busts.
I have a few kits waiting but I try not to buy too many (don't want to end up selling them at dumping prices). Also if I have a hundred figures lying around, it's kind of depressing.
Hello Rocky, I am pretty much the same as Guy, I have been collecting figures for over 20 years, never does a month go by when I don’t purchase another one or two more especially with all the new monthly releases from companies like Pegaso, Young, Romeo etc but I don’t always paint them straight away.
I do sometimes have a look through them deciding what to paint but get my influence from looking what others have done on the web or watching a historical documentary or movie.
I did sell off about 100 figures on ebay last year, I just knew that I would never paint them; I kept all the old rare ones. I am now back up to about 300 again, I will never live long enough to paint them all.
Rocky,as I said in your poll they choose you in a Zen kinda way.:cool:

But back on Earth I find myself systematically going through all my 54mm at the moment with the fear in the back of my mind that the old eyes can tackle the larger scales later on.

That maybe an irrational fear but that's what's determining
what I take on at the moment.
It's a tough decision when your stash is so large (heck, even if it contains only ten figures!).

My best advice is to choose a figure that really excites you so that you don't become bored with it. There's nothing more discouraging (at least to me) in our hobby than a shelf full of half-painted figures.
I have to be "on fire" with enthusiasm and inspiration to do a figure, so I run through my gray army until one picks me! Who knows where these feelings come from - and I really don't care. I'm having fun and that's really all that matters.

Nothing worse than losing your drive half way through a project.
Some times deciding is half the fun as you look at photos and articles from this site and others. Sometimes it inspires you to add to the collection as guy has noted as the Romeo Tavern and extra figures comes along.
Just as Tommi, I´ve so many wonderful kits just waiting to be started/finished that I´ll not get around to them all unless I live to be VERY old and hale.

The latest kit purchased is almost never the next one begun.
Several factors help decide which kits get worked upon :-
I need to have a suitable base to hand.
A clear idea of the paint scheme is a pre-requidite.
I must have a sense of how the groundwork should look and the materials to realise it.
Space must be free in the display case - can´t abide cob-webs on delicate work!
If the producer treated me well, then all I can to do an exceptional job will be done on his kit (which almost always delays finishing it!).
I´ve several stunning kits where I feel let down by the producer (broken promises, shoddy castings), these kits get constantly pushed to the back of the queue.
Current reading, internet surfing and e-mail discussions with friends on forums like pF are always inspiring.

Some kits seem to "start a roll", others seem cursed...
