Review Sgt Bruse 11th Hussars From Mitches Military Models


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all on PF ,

At last I can get back on plan with reviews (delay due to having my legs all bandaged up ...all together now ....shame!!!)

What better way than to be able to have a look at the latest release from a couple of PF members , one who runs Mitches Military Models (MMM) namely Gordon Mitchell aka Grod and a sculptor who goes by the name of Jim Evans aka Jimbo ...some miight have heard of them ;)

The subject is a certain Sgt Bruse of the 11th Hussars , a crimean veteran and one who left something behind in the campaign ...his arm !!!!

Before we go to the review itself lets have alittle bit of info on the 11th Hussars and their involvement in the Crimean wars .

The regiment was raised in 1715, as the 17th Dragoons by Brigadier-General Phillip Honeywood and in 1783 became 11th Light Dragoons. In 1840 the regiment was called on to act as escort to Prince Albert on his journey from Dover to London to marry Queen Victoria. As a reward the regiment was given the honour of a new title "11th (or Prince Albert's Own) Hussars. They were the first Light Dragoon regiment to be called "Hussars" without also having "Light Dragoons" retained in their title.

The crimson bag worn with the busby was particular to this regiment, and the white horsehair plume had a crimson base. The busby of that period was much taller and thinner than later variations. The horsehair plume would not have been worn in battle. The trousers or overalls worn by the 11th were not the standard blue as worn by other Hussar regiments, but crimson with a double yellow cloth stripe for other ranks.

The tunic had horizontal cord frogging with three vertical rows of buttons, the centre row being full ball buttons and the outer rows, half ball buttons.

A Hussar sash consisting of vertical rows of yellow woven cotton barrels over crimson worsted cord was worn around the waist, above the white leather sword belt.
It was in the elaborate uniform that Prince Albert's Own Hussars went into battle during the Crimea War. They took part in the famous Charge of the Light Brigade and Lord Cardigan, who led this ill-fated attack, wore the same resplendent attire.

The attack was ordered by Lord Raglan, who from an elevated position could see Russian artillery teams moving forward, and formed the opinion that their purpose was to remove abandoned British guns in the redoubts. He therefore sent this order to Lord Lucan - "Lord Raglan wishes the Cavalry to advance rapidly to the front, follow the enemy and try to prevent the enemy carrying away the guns. Troop Horse Artillery may accompany. French cavalry is on your left. Immediate"
On receiving the orders conveyed to him by Captain Nolan, Lord Lucan was unable to see the same scene as witnessed by his superior, and was only able to see those guns attached to the Russian cavalry. Asking Captain Nolan for clarification, he received the impatient response - "There, my Lord, are your guns. There are the enemy" which was accompanied by a vague sweep of Nolan's arm which took in the greater part of the Russian position. Lord Lucan passed on the order to Lord Cardigan who took his place at the head of the Light Brigade and commenced the infamous charge - cavalry against Russian artillery. Captain Nolan, riding with the 17th Lancers, apparently realised that Lord Cardigan, instead of veering to the right and attacking the redoubts, was heading straight down the valley to certain death. He spurred his horse forward to attract Cardigan's attention, but was hit by a Russian bullet, fell from his horse, and was ridden over by the charge.
The 11th Hussars, sustaining huge losses, eventually reached the end of the valley and came face to face with the Russian cavalry. They successfully held them at bay until the Russians were joined by more lancers, when they were forced to turn and retreat.
The Light Brigade comprised of
11th Hussars
8th Hussars;
17th Lancers 4th Light Dragoons
13th Light Dragoons

Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the 11th was the crimson trousers ...very much an elite display and proudly worn by all ....this was as a result of an incident in an orchard in the Peninsular War with the regiment gaining the nickname of "The Cherry Pickers" .

The Regiment has also had a character featured in the series written by George Macdonald Fraser as Henry Paget Flashman ...a rather flamboyant and boistrious officer ...great reading though .

Suggested further reading into the Regiment and the Crimean campaigns includes: book.jpgbook1.jpgbook2.jpg

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Hi to all ,

On now to the actual subject itself , but before I go any further I would like to say that the main references used is the period photograph which depicts Sgt Bruse , we all know how difficult it is to sculpt 100% to a actual person .........

To this end Jim has gone down the road of when he was sculptng by using the photo as a inspiration in the pose and the style of the period , additinal references were provided by others . As depicted Sgt Bruse lost his arm and you can see his strength in the picture , wearing with pride his Crimean medals (Turkish and British , the latter with 3 bars).

The model was received quickly and safely with MMM's normal speed and efficiency , packaging consists of the distinctive sturdy black cardboard box , all parts were well packed in bubble wrap , in addition to these there is also included a 3/4 length depiction of the man himself ...perhaps we might see the subject with legs ?

Title: Sgt Bruse 11th Hussars Crimea

Scale: 200mm

Material: Grey Resin

No of Pieces: 2 (head and torso)

Sculptor: Jim "Jimbo" Evans

The box has a very small picture of the unpainted version , personally I would have preferred a larger picture (as in previous releases) as the image does not help the presentation .......hopefully we will see larger images in future .

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Moving on now to the resin itself , firstly the larger of the two ..the torso ...........

Prep needed is minimal with a fine casting line being sanded away in seconds on the underside , with a casting pug to remove on the lower part

There isa hole drilled into the neck area with a corresponding piece on the underside of the being eager managed to snap it off ..not really a problem as I was going to pin this anyway when it hits the bench as WIP!!!.

This is depicted in a clasic bust style with the Right arm sleeve hooked up to the button as in the picture , the remnanats of the upper arm are evident the sleeve hangs naturally and looks empty , the Left arm is cut just below the shoulder , the bust finished by tapering down to the waist and the barrel sash ..nice touch that .

Folds on the right arm are really nice and it looks like there is only a remnant of the arm , personally however I feel the left arm could do witth a bit more defintion , looking at it , the lines look too defined ...a little more is neded ...a minor point but woth noting IMO .

Sgt B has the very distinctive frogged jacket over which he wears his pouch belt as per the picture Jim used , he also has 2 medals as well ...these are well done and careful painting will bring out the details even more.

The rank he has is only on the Right arm , this being 3 stripes with the crown above it being a regimental badge and not part of his actual rank.

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Lets have some more pictures of the torso details :

As you can see the sculpting of the lacework is Ist class and I have no doubt this was done with much mumblings and without the aid of any wire , all details being sculpted with putty ..

The fineness of the lacework is IMO excellent and has cast well , it is fully defined in all area's ....well done Jim .

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The buttons are correctly sculpted as full ball ones for the cente line and 1/2 balls for the ones at either edge.

Rank details are also good , making painting easy ...providing a great focal point on the modelk 013.jpg

The medals are as I said nicely done with the 3 bars sculpted with good defintion ..but you missed out a letter in the "Balaclava" James:eek: !!!>..joking mate :whistle:k 017.jpg m.jpgm1.jpg

Looking at the cuff details , this is really well done , finely sculpted , particularly with the trefoil k 011.jpg ...all this detail is crying out to be painted and will it look great when done ....YES indeed .

You will also see the nice work done on the barrel sash , a small area but one which adds more colour and interest to the piece.

The rear of the piece again has well defined and fine lacework , together with the pouch belt which is also nicely done , particularly the buckle area . k 020.jpg

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On now to the head itself :

Sgt B is depicted wearing the full whiskers beloved of all Crimean veterans when they were both there ad at home until it was ordered that "Crimean beards" be removed !!!!

Jim has I feel captured the "look" of Sgt B , his features are well done , the beard is a great area to go to town on with the washes , all which brings out the sculpt , he has high chhekbones with the eyes being well done , the pupils being clearly sculpted and with the "bags" under his eyes .....

The hairstyle (oh how I remember when I had some!!!) is very close to the picture , with the ends curling at the sides ...good cahnce to get those highlights working !!!!

All other features are good , he has a slightly furrowed brow , the jowls are good as well as are the ears , hair hanging over them in a flamboyant way . k 027.jpg

The collar has the correct piping and lacework sculpted on it ...well cast and it will be esy to paint ...don't forget that the shadows will be present under his bushy beard.!!!!

For me the crowning glory is without doubt his pill box cap at a vey rakish angle "a la hussar" with the regimental pattern lace around the lowere parts (see pictures of the sabretache for details) . 11thhussarssabre1856.jpgk 026.jpg

There has obviously been a lot of research and time spent in sculpting the lacework on the cap ...and it has paid off .

Fit of the head to the torso (don't snap the peg off like I did !!!) is tight with only a slight swipe of filler needed .

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Superb Review with all the additional images and information teasers here Kev. Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to pull all this together. Also pleased to hear that your legs are back in place again.
Well done to Jim, a lovely subject and he manages to get better with every sculpt he does. He is Mr Crimea.
Additionally I must congratulate Gordon on his ever growing stable of top notch sculptors.
Mike the 200mm full figure version is on my sculpting bench now, he'll be on his way to Gordon hopefully in a few weeks.

Chief Poohbah ...............Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!! ................all I see is legs everywhere !!!!!!

Looking forward to seeing this ...its going to be some impressive piece .....can't wait to see the sword and sabretache .........soon!!!

Guys ,

Thanks for the +ve comments , plese feel free to comment so I can make my reviews better .

No doubt about it, this is the way to do a review; excellent job. I suspect that a number of members will be inspired to get this on the strength of your review. At the risk of gilding the lily, I would suggest, in addition to your well-chosen library, Fosten and the Mollo Boys' Into the Valley of Death (poetic sounding title, I wonder where it came from?). BTW this book suggests yellow cloth for the forage cap button, but who knows with Crazy Cardigan's "cherry bums"? Can you remember a citation for gold? It would sure look nice on the top of the bust!
Thanks again .
Cheers, Phil
Hi Phil,

You are too kind , I hope that my reviews achieve a constructive and realistic and honest position .

You are of course correct that the Mollo book should be included (great details and colour) Into the Valley of Death.jpg ...yes I have it!!!!

There are also many others fact based books about the war as well as the specific charge :9.jpg the-crimean-war.jpg 7.jpg

Regarding the button at the Hussars museum in Winchester there is an exhibit (in the archive at the moment) of a cap with a brass button , this could have had yellow cloth over but when I examined it could see no remnants ......there are variations also of the cap having lace on the top as well as plain (I might well put some on top when I paint it)...a truely interesting subject .

This is a reconstruction of an 11th Hussars 1111.jpg and this is one .......SouthNottinghamshirePillBoxCap-410.jpg from a officer of a Yeomanry Regt (South Nottinghamshire Hussars) ......just to show variations worn.

Thanks for looking in

Ah, I envy your ability to check the real thing! I lived on the coast next to Hastings --St Leonard's --during WWII and when it was over and my folks took us on an outing to London, they would drop me off at the Imperial War Museum. Now I see that my siblings' generation are part of an exhibit on children in wartime at that museum. Living history, that's us!;)
I currently live in the "hyperarid" Sonoran Desert where it is hard to find a good military museum with British C19th holdings, but if you ever want the skinny on real cacti instead of those pix in Arizona Highways, let me know!
Cheers, Phil
Great review Kev on what looks like a must have addition to my very small grey army but one that will not languish in the resin prison to long:D
