Review Sharpshooter Kelley from Nuts Planet/Trigger series


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all ,

We are all aware of the popularity of the products from Nuts Planet alongside Trigger using 3D sculpting.
Recently released was of course a rather dangerous looking female in the shape of our review subject , she was announced here on PF


Details of the review piece:

Title: Sharpshooter Kelley

Scale: 75mm (1/24th)

Reference: T75005

Material: Gray Resin

No of pieces: 15

Sculptor: Joo Huem Yoon (3D Techniques)

Box Art: Francesco Farabi

As with all of 0a.jpg releases packaging is well up to the standard of the previous release , in the distinctive blue box with box art on the top and the sides , a very professional job and a good start .
Nuts Kelley 002.jpg
All parts are held together in between foam layers with the smaller pieces being held in small plastic bags.

Parts consist of 2 base pieces (a flooring and a wall) , the main figure , 2 arms , a , a satchel type bag , a smaller weapon, the sniper rifle , the scope for this, a pony tail hair piece , 2 strips of bullets , one just the cases , , magazines x 4 , cocking handles x 3 (spare x 2)
Nuts Kelley 001.jpg

We will split the review , looking at the base and the main figure first

Base pieces...remove casting blocks and fit together
Figure..3 small plugs to remove from under boots and right knee
Pony Tail..remove plug and fit to figure
Arms...Remove small plug from each arm and fit to figure
Satchel...Small plug from underside and fit to cut out on figure
Small weapon ..As with Satchel
Rifle..Plug to remove from Stock and dry fit to arms/torso
Scope..Small plug to take off and fit scope
Cocking Handle...Remove 1 and fit
Magazines/Round/Casings...remove and fit where required on base

Looking at the Base pieces , consisting a a actual base piece and a back wall , flooring is sculpt into elongated oblongs irregular at the edges the back wall is a walled section and a corner of a window , you could add some "glass" if you wish using thin perspex sheeting , all surfaces are textured allowing you to get those paint effects going .

Nuts Kelley 004.jpgNuts Kelley 003.jpg

Now to the main resin piece , the Torso , this is sculpted with skill in a kneeling position with the arms being fitted separately ready to hold the sniper rifle ...dry fit as many times as possible to get the position right .`
Nuts Kelley 014.jpgNuts Kelley 013.jpgNuts Kelley 012.jpgNuts Kelley 011.jpgNuts Kelley 010.jpgNuts Kelley 009.jpgNuts Kelley 008.jpgNuts Kelley 007.jpgNuts Kelley 005.jpg
Kelley wears loose clothing on the top exposing her T shirt , yes the female form is there!!! needless to say all undercuts are really clean and very sharp as they should be with 3D , her left leg is knelt up with the left arm resting on her knee .her right leg is held under with her sitting on the boot under her bottom.
Nuts Kelley 006.jpgNuts Kelley 012 a.jpg
Her right leg is covered in pouches and straps and also a holder for the small pistol just above her knee.
Nuts Kelley 017.jpg

Trousers are well executed with the folds we expect to see , very naturally worked , boots are another area well done with nice details on the laces especially , what really stands out are the actual soles of the boots , the tread being really well done
Nuts Kelley 018.jpg

The collar is up but loose around her neck , which itself shows good muscle features, looking at her face we see an almost angelic looking woman , young but very dangerous , the face has a bit of the aime look about her but she is a cutie for sure ...but lethal at her art of sniping.

The hair is showing nice strands with the fringe over her forehead , good facial features , the pony tail is positioned into a cutout at the back hanging very naturally .Nuts Kelley 023.jpg

Nuts Kelley 015.jpgNuts Kelley 016.jpg

Arms are easy to fit into the cutouts of the torso so the actual positioning should be an easier task ..well thought out Nuts Planet , the details on the arms are to the same high standard os the legs , sleeve fold are good with the cuffs folded back showing her thin wrists.

Continued in next post

On to the remaining pieces

The Rifle , this is a killing machine no doubt based on todays high tech weapons , the weapon has both hands sculpted on these are delicate looking but holding onto the weapon with skill , wearing gloves with hand protectors on the top of the hand, excellent details all over , from the magazine in its housing to the stock which sits perfectly into her shoulder, one thing I expected was to have the barrel a little warped was not which is good to see , if yours is however a quick dip into hot water ( the resin ..not you!!!) will allow you to straighten it.

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Don't forget to fit the Cocking handle/bolt ( Nuts Planet have thoughtfully given you 3 just incase that carpet monster is around!!)
Nuts Kelley 020.jpg
The Scope is a good piece and really sets the rifle apart , her eye is gazing down into it , seconds away from a confirmed kill no doubt.
Nuts Kelley 030.jpg
The Small pistol is a nice addition , almost colt 45 shaped , held in its holster and fitting to the right thigh with ease
Nuts Kelley 025.jpg

The Satchel has 1 large central section with 2 side pockets , all are fully loaded , one has a bottle possible water or maybe rifle oil , all are really well done with straps , on the top we have a smaller one with a zip tag

Nuts Kelley 024.jpg
The remaining pieces , magazines and the rounds and spent cases are a nice addition to add to the base itself .
Nuts Kelley 019.jpgNuts Kelley 022.jpg
Final Thoughts

Kelley is without doubt a killing machine a real cutie well sculpted and cast using the latest 3D methods , she has a spotter also released to accompany her . NutsPlanet continue to supply the modeller with high quality products well thought out and designed , this young lady will be very popular as long as you are not in her sights !!!

Nice addition in the Trigger series

Thanks to NutsPlanet for the review piece and to you all for looking in

Lets enjoy some unpainted pictures from the website


For more details on this and other releases go to the website at


please visit their FB at

If you have any questions or requests please feel free to ask via [email protected]

Good review, Nap. This and Rifleman Jess are "Trigger" figures from Nutsplanet that really attract my interest. They're unique and look pretty awesome!