Anders Heintz
A Fixture
Hey Guys!
Im still tinkering and are trying to get this acrylic thing down. Got my hands on the Andrea Painting CD Rom and learned a few things, one of those was the mid tone thing, where you paint a transparent color inbetween the highlights and the shadows. Anyways, here is Andrea's 54mm Mohawk II figure, and I'd like to know what you think of the flesh tones, please be honest, as I want to improve Tell me what you think is good about it and also what is bad and what should be done differently or how to make it better. Thanks guys, I appreciate it!
Im still tinkering and are trying to get this acrylic thing down. Got my hands on the Andrea Painting CD Rom and learned a few things, one of those was the mid tone thing, where you paint a transparent color inbetween the highlights and the shadows. Anyways, here is Andrea's 54mm Mohawk II figure, and I'd like to know what you think of the flesh tones, please be honest, as I want to improve Tell me what you think is good about it and also what is bad and what should be done differently or how to make it better. Thanks guys, I appreciate it!