Quoting Paul Kernan: "Yet it resulted not in a casual observation but rather as an unsolicited critique on a VERY trivial point (well said John). If someone is so bent out of shape because there is one less button, then make the necessary adjustment."
Yes, it was an unsolicited critique. Supported by objective reference to sources and by someone competent on the subject. There were also some wholesale positive comments, also unsolicited, some of them by Gary himself. Unsolicited as these were too (and some certainly subjective), nobody has complained.
The triviality or not of the discussed point is a matter of high relativity. Objectively speaking, the criticism looks right on target - no contrary reference has been forwarded, which would have ended the discussion instantly. Another matter altogether is how much can this prove a problem to a potential buyer. For some it would be trivial, even VERY trivial, for some it would be important. Everyone is free to vote with his wallet.
I certainly do not agree with the suggestion that those interested should do whatever adjustments needed, to this or to whatever figure. Surely any figure sold as a historical figure should come accurate, besides being correct in proportions, anatomy, etc, isnt' it? So would not be the sculptor/manufacturer those with the paramount obligation of doing whatever is needed to this end? After all we are talking of a historical personality in a specific period of time, as stated by the figure designation.
Anyway, if you really believe that particular point of detail, the number of buttons, is trivial, as several people have stated, or even not really founded, as has also been mentioned, then why all of this fuss? I'm absolutely sure this kind of discussion will not affect appreciably sales, nor the sculptor's standing, as shown by John immediate support of Alan. This kind of discussion will nor make converts to any field.
As a ending thought, I would find lamentable that the conclusion of the whole discussion is that the better solution is not to post pre-production works (although I do not still understand where is the benefit in publishing only production work instead) and not to intervene in discussions such as this one.