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Dmitri Baev

A Fixture
Oct 18, 2008
Dear friends.
We are pleased to inform that our figures Prussian infantry Seven Years War, ready for sale.
All figures are 54 mm, material resin. The price of each figure is 20 dollars.
Sculpted by Eugeny Sergienko. Painted by Dmitry Baev
Orders for all figures can be made on our website.

5401Prussian Musketeer von Itzenplitz Regiment. 1756-1763
In a set of 2 heads in different triangles (early and late stage of the war).
A little history:
The regiment was usually considered an elite unit, it was a tightly run regiment, known as the "Donner und Blitzen" under the regime of Major-General von Itzenplitz who was mortally wounded at Kunersdorf. The unit saw heavy usage being present at eight major battles.
On August 26 1756, when the Prussian Army proceeded to the invasion of Saxony, the regiment was part of the left column led by the Duke of Braunschweig-Bevern. This column had concentrated in the area of Lübben, then advanced through Lusatia by Hoyerswerda and Bautzen, to Hohenstein (Sept. 8) then to Lohmen north of the Elbe near Pirna. On October 1, the regiment took part in the Battle of Lobositz where it was assigned to the brigade of Major-General Itzenplitz in Kleist's Division. The regiment advanced on the left flank, along with the regiments Alt-Kleist and Alt-Bevern, to engage the Grenzers stationed on Lobosch Hill. The attempt to advance through the skirmish screen proved difficult, however, with ammunition running low, the Prussians adapted to the conditions of the terrain, abandoning close formations and picking and choosing their targets using individual fire. Gradually the Austrians, despite reinforcements that included Joseph Esterházy Infantry, were pushed off the Lobosch Hill and forced back through the burning streets of Lobositz. After an hour of intense fighting, the Austrians were forced out. They retreated in good order. To maintain his contact with the Elbe and to buttress his right flank, the Austrian commander, Browne, shifted his uncommitted left wing around to the plains behind Lobositz and Sullowitz. On October 23, when Keith's Army left Lobositz to return to Pirna, the regiment was part of the left column. On October 28, Keith's Army reached Gross-Sedlitz near Pirna and took its winter-quarters soon afterwards.
Prince Henri and IR13 von Itzenplitz at the battle of Prague - Source: Carl Röchling, 1895
On May 6 1757, during the invasion of Bohemia, the regiment took part in the Battle of Prague where it was deployed on the far right of the second line of the infantry centre in Rohr's Brigade. Led by Prince Henri of Prussia, the unit, along with Manteuffel Infantry, waded across the Rocketnitzer Bach and attacked the flank causing the Austrians to give ground. It then supported the breakthrough of the Prussian grenadiers near Kyge-Hlaupetin. This action combined with the similar assaults on the left resulted in the defeat of the Austrians. At the end of August, the regiment was part of the small Prussian army hastily assembled at Dresden by Frederick II to head towards Thuringia and to offer battle to the Franco-Imperial Army invading Saxony. On November 5, at the Battle of Rossbach, the regiment was deployed in the first line of the infantry left wing under Lieutenant-General Prince Henri. On December 5 at the Battle of Leuthen, the regiment was deployed in the vanguard which successfully attacked the Austrian left flank. The regiment brushed aside the Grenzers and smashed a Württemberger regiment. At about 1:00 p.m., the regiment along with Meyerinck Infantry advanced against an Austrian battery of 14 guns planted on the heights behind Sagschütz and took it after a short opposition. This threw the whole corps of Nádasdy into confusion.
In April 1758, the regiment took part in the Siege of Schweidnitz. It then participated in the failed invasion of Moravia. On October 14, it fought in the Battle of Hochkirch where it was initially deployed in the centre of the first line. Around 7:00 a.m., the regiment, supported by Kannacher Infantry attacked the village Hochkirch and, after taking heavy canister casualties, managed to momentarily retake the village edge. However, it was soon forced to retire by the Austrian cavalry. The regiment suffered heavily during this battle, loosing 820 men (about 75% of its effective strength).
In 1759, the regiment took part in engagements at Pretsch and Hoyerswerda.
On August 15 1760, the regiment was present at the Battle of Liegnitz but was not engaged. Then from August to September, the regiment was at the Siege of Dresden. On September 17, it fought in the Combat of Hochgiersdorf. On November 3, the regiment took part in the Battle of Torgau where it was part of the vanguard.
On July 21 1762, the regiment took part in the Battle of Burkersdorf where, along with Finck and Braun Fusiliers, it advanced up a slope enfiladed by Grenzers who were finally driven off. The same year, the regiment's inhaber became Peter III of Russia in a political gesture by Frederick in recognition of the miracle of the House of Brandenburg - effectively the death of Elizabeth Petrovna and the Russian realignment, under Peter III, with Prussian. From August, the regiment took part in the siege and recapture of Schweidnitz.


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5402Prussian Kleist Grenadier Battalion. 1756-1763
A little history:
On August 26 1756, when the Prussian army proceeded to the invasion of Saxony, these grenadiers were part of Ferdinand of Brunswick's column which had concentrated at Halle and advanced unopposed through Leipzig, Chemnitz, Freyberg and Dippoldiswalde, to the village of Cotta (reached on September 9) south of the Elbe near Pirna. On September 11, the grenadiers forming this converged battalion, who had heretofore marched with their parent regiments were first assembled in the camp of Cotta. On October 1, the battalion fought at the Battle of Lobositz where it advanced on the left flank, along with Braunschweig-Bevern Infantry, Itzenplitz Infantry and Alt-Kleist Infantry to engage Grenzer light troops stationed on Lobosch Hill. The attempt to advance through the skirmish screen proved difficult; however, with ammunition running low, the Prussians adapted to the conditions of the terrain, abandoning closed formations and picking and choosing their targets using individual fire. Gradually the Austrians, despite reinforcements that included Joseph Esterházy Infantry, were pushed off the Lobosch Hill and forced back through the burning streets of Lobositz. After an hour of intense fighting led by this unit and Braunschweig-Bevern Infantry, the Austrians were forced out. They retreated in good order. To maintain his contact with the Elbe and to buttress his right flank, the Austrian commander, Baron Maximilian Browne, shifted his uncommitted left wing around to the plains behind Lobositz and Sullowitz. On October 23, when Keith's Army left Lobositz to return to Pirna, the battalion was part of the right column. On October 28, this army reached Gross-Sedlitz near Pirna and took its winter-quarters soon afterwards.
In April 1757, the battalion was part of the Prussian army who proceeded to the invasion of Bohemia. On May 6, the battalion did not take part in the Battle of Prague. It was rather deployed on the left bank of the Moldau near the Weissenberg as part of Keith's corps. On September 7, when an Austrian force under the command of General Nádasdy attacked Winterfeldt's isolated corps in the Combat of Moys, the battalion was deployed in the first line of the left wing. On November 22, the battalion took part in the Battle of Breslau where it was deployed in Wietersheim's Brigade, in the first line of the infantry right wing under Lieutenant-General von Brandes. On December 5 at the Battle of Leuthen, the battalion was deployed in the vanguard which successfully attacked the Austrian left flank.
In the Spring of 1758, the battalion took part in the unsuccessful Prussian invasion of Moravia. On October 14, the battalion fought in the Battle of Hochkirch where it was initially deployed en potence in the first line of the infantry right wing, to the right of the village of Hochkirch. It was among the 3 grenadier battalions who tried to oppose Daun's first attack.
On August 15 1760, the battalion took part in the Battle of Liegnitz where it was deployed in the first line of the right wing. On September 17, it was present at the Combat of Hochgiersdorf where it was attached to the rearguard.under GdC Zieten. On November 3, the battalion took part in the Battle of Torgau where it was deployed in Frederick's first column in Stutterheim's Brigade. During this battle, the battalion suffered heavy losses and was afterwards temporarily amalgamated with Grenadier Battalion 15/18.
In August 1761, the battalion formed part of Frederick's Army encamped in the entrenched camp of Bunzelwitz (present-day Bolesławice) near Schweidnitz in Lower Silesia. It was attached to Major-General Schenckendorff's Brigade.
On July 21 1762, the battalion fought in the Battle of Burkersdorf. It then took part in the Siege of Schweidnitz where it was attached to the corps defending the contravallation entrenchments. On August 16, the battalion took part in the Battle of Reichenbach where the Prussians repulsed a relief attempt. Schweidnitz finally surrendered on October 9.


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5403Prussian Musketeer Erbprinz von Hessen-Darmstadt Regiment. 1756-1763
2 alternative heads, 2 cocked hat
A little history:
In the Spring of 1757, the regiment took part in the invasion of Bohemia. On April 21, at the Combat of Reichenberg, it was deployed on the right wing of the first line of the Duke of Brunswick-Bevern's force. On May 6, the regiment took part in the Battle of Prague where it was deployed in the first line in the Duke of Braunschweig-Bevern's Brigade and suffered heavy losses.
In 1758, when Ludwig IX of Hessen-Darmstadt abandoned the Prussian service because his principality had sided with Austria, the regiment was kept in reserve in Saxony.
On August 12 1759, during the Russian offensive in Brandenburg, the regiment fought in the Battle of Kunersdorf where it was deployed in the first line of the right centre as part of Knobloch's Brigade. It suffered so much casualties in this battle that it was virtually reduced to a single battalion. On November 20, this battalion took part in the Battle of Maxen where it was attached to Mosel's Brigade. When Daun launched his attack at 3:00 p.m., the battalion was soon surrounded. The entire Prussian force finally surrendered as prisoners of war.
In 1760, the regiment was slowly re-raised in Uckermarck.
In 1761, the regiment served in Pomerania. In July, it formed part of Ziethen's force who had been ordered to conduct a raid in Greater Poland to destroy the main Russian magazines, mainly in Posen (actual Poznań) . In September, the regiment took part in a second Prussian raid in Greater Poland under General Platen. On September 15, its first battalion fought in the engagement of Gostyn where it was deployed in the first line of the right wing, its second battalion being kept in reserve. On October 22, the regiment took part in the Combat of Gollnow. On December 11, the regiment was part of Württemberg's right column when he marched from Treptow, escorting a convoy in an unsuccessful attempt for the relief of Colberg. On December 12, the regiment fought in the Combat of Spie and then retreated towards Treptow and Stettin, desertion were numerous during this retreat.
In 1762, the regiment took part in the Battle of Burkersdorf on July 21 and, from August to October, in the siege and recapture of Schweidnitz.


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5404Prussian fusilier Markgraf von Brandenburg-Schwedt regiment. 1756-1763
A little history:
In 1756, the regiment was part of the army of Silesia under Field-Marshal Schwerin. During this campaign, this army conducted operations in Eastern Bohemia.
On January 9 1757, the regiment was reinforced with some 300 men. In April, it took part in the invasion of Bohemia. On May 6, the regiment took part in the Battle of Prague where it was deployed on the extreme left of the second line of the infantry centre in Kalckreuth's Brigade. After this battle, the regiment took part in the unsuccessful siege of Prague. In the evening of July 19 near the Kaltenbach (present-day Studený), during the Prussian retreat, the rearguard of the Prince of Prussia came to grip with an Austrian force who attacked the Prussian column, capturing 46 wagons with baggage, ammunition and 184 horses. The regiment came to the rescue of the Prussian column and launched a counter-attack but the Karlstädter-Szluiner Grenzer and Slavonisch-Gradiskaner Grenzer, led by Colonel Wenzel Baron Hnogek von Kleefeld, drove back its attack. In this action, the Prussians lost 486 men killed, 264 wounded, 135 taken prisoners and 423 deserters. On July 22, the II. Battalion was captured while attempting to escape from Zittau which was besieged by the Austrians who had invaded Silesia.
In the Spring and Summer of 1758, during the Prussian invasion of Moravia, the regiment took part in the unsuccessful Siege of Olmütz. On July 7, during the Prussian retreat from Moravia, the regiment along with 8 grenadier coys occupied Krenau but in front of a superior enemy, the detachment retired to neighbouring heights. In November, it was part of a force led by Carl Christoph von Goltz and Paul von Werner who came to the relief of Cosel.
On July 23 1760, its first battalion took part in the Battle of Landeshut where it suffered heavy losses. The battalion finally surrendered.
In August 1761, the regiment was attached to Frederick's main army in the entrenched camp of Bunzelwitz (present-day Bolesławice) near Schweidnitz in Lower Silesia. In September, the regiment was part of Platen's Corps who conducted a raid in Greater Poland. On September 15, the regiment was present at the Engagement of Gostyn but was not involved in combat. On September 18, the regiment was part of the detachment of Brigadier Kleist, sent to Buch (present-day Buk) with prisoners, pontoons and artillery. It was then attached to the Prussian corps charged with the relief of Colberg. On October 22, the regiment took part in the Combat of Gollnow where the Russians stopped Platen's relief convoy. At the end of December, the regiment marched by Schwedt and Berlin and took its winter quarters in Saxony.
On August 16 1762, the regiment fought in the Battle of Reichenbach where its second battalion suffered so heavily that it was virtually annihilated. The regiment then took part in the siege and recapture of Schweidnitz.


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5405Private Frie-Corps von Kleist. 1756-1763


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Is not my pêriod, but the miniature is just fantastic ! Great work!!! Beautiful work ! :love:(y)
Thank you friends for your feedback on the figures. We do not have dealers in the UK and the US and now the easiest and quickest way to buy pieces is our website.
Have a continuation of the project. Eugene added another 5 figures of Prussian soldiers (Cuirassier, Dragoon, Foot Artilleryman and 2 Jaegers), and he also began the direction in Napoleonica. I'm happier now you need some photos.
We tried to make the first unit very diverse. Then the French, and the Austrians, and Great Britan foot guardsman.


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