A Fixture
Still trying to finish the Chasseur, have some 75mm Crimean war figs, a couple of Nappies (54mm), a75mm ECW Cavalier, some Franco-Prussian figs and a few other odds and ends. My tastes are all over the map within the "horse and musket era" I also have a few boxes of 1/35 WW II figs I might take a shot at. I even have a Roman vignette I started a while ago that needs to be finished.
Once I finish the Chasseur and before I start anything new, I'd like to take a shot at scratch building... I have a scene from the Battle of Borodino in my head I want to see if I can make that work.
No rest for the wicked
lol , i hear you mate, this is a neverending passion for figurines .
Too bad wives don't understand, i always say " i could be out and about ina a motorcycle" hehe .
Yo have an interesting mix of figures , i have so many from the era of Louis XV,XVI and perhaps at some point i will incursion to the ragged uniforms of the French revolution ,but not really thrill to paint a ragtagg trooper with a bicorne sideways ,uniforms should be wear with pride and respect