Soldat de Plom 2011


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Fernando Ruiz

A Fixture
Jul 24, 2009
Hi, all!
Is getting near this moment of the year in which we go to Girona to El Soldat de Plom!
Let me share with all of you a document from the organization with al details:


From the 3rd to the 17th October via web or e-mail. In person, Friday 21st from 16h30 to 20h and Saturday 22nd from 9h30 to 13h. If the inscription is via web or e–mail with the details to: [email protected], it will cost 10€, before the 17th October.

Later or in person during the show, it will cost 20€.

The partners of the El Baluard, free if it’s done before the 17th October. If not, 10€ will have to be paid.

Payment could be done in person during the registration.

This inscription gives right to: Participate and the commemorative figure (exclusive and non commercial and only one for every inscription) as well as participation in the different free activities.

The inscriptions can be always modified without any added cost, even in person.

The presential process of inscription includes the reception, with the opportune verifications or modifications, payment if needed, the labeling and the delivery of pieces to the organization. Only organization members will place the pieces in the corresponding display showcases. NO SPECIAL DECORATION IN THE DISPLAYS WILL BE PERMITTED. The participant can give to the organization an small diagram of the ideal disposition of the figures and the organization will try to do its best. All the material will be protected inside glass showcases, so it will not be possible to see the back of the figures.

Junior participants will not have to pay any inscription.


The Contest will follow the OPEN system, and will be divided in 4 main categories:

Junior: People less than 18, participating with figures of any thematic.

Historical: All the figures located in likely historical contexts, coming from a real, cinematographic or literary origin, in three levels:

  • General (beginners or people with some experience). The collectors and members of ‘the Baluard’ Fernando Ruiz Ceano, Jesús Gamarra and Joan Masferrer will donate a painted figure, as a prize for best of theme Napoleonic, Middle Ages and Ancient in the General Category.
  • Master painting (Painted commercial figures from consecrated artists)
  • Master Open (painted figures deeply converted or original creations from consecrated artists)
Fantasy: All the figures of diverse thematic (Science-Fiction, fantastic, war games, etc.) that because of their characteristics do not fit in the Historical category. Will have three levels:

  • General (beginners or people with some experience).
  • Master painting (Painted commercial figures from consecrated artists)
  • Master Open (Painted figures deeply converted or original creations from consecrated artists)
Original sculptures: Figures not commercialized yet, Scratch built, unpainted or just with primer. Any thematic and scale (size) will be accepted.


The Jury composed of sculptors and painters of international reputation, guarantees that all displays will be evaluated equally, and the maximum of score will determine the classification and the winner.
The Jury reserves the right to change the category of a figure in case they considered it opportune and all their decisions will be unquestionable and irrevocable.
The Jury will have special display cabinets to exhibit their work but will not participate in the Show.


On Sunday 23rd October we will celebrate the Awards Ceremony, where GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE medals and some Special Awards will be given to the participants that deserve it. Also a Best of Show and best of Historical and Fantasy will be given.

Only when the act finalizes (14h30 on Sunday 23rd) the participants will be able to withdraw their material.

All the material will be protected within crystal display cabinets and the Organization will have monitoring personnel. The Association “El Baluard”, declines all responsibility on the material exposed during the days of the Exhibition, the assembly and the disassembling.

The Organization will be able to record or to photograph all the pieces and to publish them in internal bulletins or through specialized magazines. The organization will disqualify and/or to retire any work that considers offensive.


  • Friday 21st from 16h30 to 20h
  • Saturday 22nd from 9h30 to 13h

Show Opening:

  • Saturday 22nd from 9h30 to 20h
  • Sunday 23rd form 9h30 to 13h30

Awards Ceremony:

  • Sunday 23rd at 13h30

Figures withdrawal:

  • Sunday 23rd just after the Awards Ceremony (from 14h30 to 15h and from 17h to 20h; between 15h and 17h it will not be possible to pick up the pieces)


  • Jesús Gamarra López
  • Miguel Felipe Carrascal
  • Román Navarro Moreno
  • Luís Esteban Laguardia
  • Fernando Ruiz Ceano
  • José Manuel Palomares
  • Fabio Nunnari
  • Renato Scuterini
  • Josep Pelegrin Lloret

  • Alfonso Giraldes
  • Pepa Saavedra
  • Diego Esteban
  • Richard Poisson
  • Ignasi Tor


Pepa Saavedra: Airbrush techniques
David Gómez: Groundwork
Fernando Ruiz Ceano: Painting
Adriano Laruccia / Andrea Iotti: Sculpture


Now it comes my personal comment ;)

This year we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the show. If you check the judges, it will be awesome because we'll be having a lot of pieces from renowned artists on display. So you would be able to see top notch figures and also my pieces :lol::lol::lol:

The other interesting thing in this year is that, as we are really compromised in promoting and encouraging the new generations of enthusiasts about the hobby, we are going to give again PAINTED MINIATURES as awards in the standard category. There will be 3 of them, one painted by Jesus Gamarra, another painted by Joan Masferrer and the last one painted by me. They will be themed and will be awarded to the best NAPOLENIC figure, the best MEDIEVAL/RENAISSANCE figure and the best ANCIENT ERA figure.

I will be doing the award for the ANCIENT ERA figure and it will be a new version of this awesome miniature:


Stay tunned for pics of the in progress work!