Soldier 2nd Infantry Division - Nato In Miniature Review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Nato In Miniature
"Soldier 2nd Infantry Division"
1/35th scale resin - 6 parts
Sculpted by Dmitri Shevcov
Painted by Dmirti Baev

Nato 3 01.JPG

A recent release by Nato In Miniatures is the following 1/35th scale resin kit cast in a gray resin and depicts a soldier in the 2nd Infantry Division. Sculpted by the talented Dmitri Shevcov with the box art figure painted by the equally talented Dmitri Baev. The kit consists of 6 resin parts.

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Nato 3 02.JPG

Nato 3 02a.JPG

The kit arrived in a medium brown cardboard box with the parts all sealed in a zip-lok bag and additional styrofoam chips in the box to protect the parts during shipping.

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2 sealed bags were again sealed inside a larger sealed bag to ensure against loss during shipping. The bottom photograph shows all the bags opened and the parts laid out for inspection.

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Above are the four sides to the main torso and head. As you can see they are highly detailed figures crying out to be painted.

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Above is the separate cast helmet showing all four sides. A slight seam line is at the back and can be cleaned up easily.

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Above is the front and back of the right and left arm and hand.

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Above is the front and back of the rifle and canteen.

Additional Box Art Photographs

painted by
Dmitri Baev

Nato 3 18.JPG Nato 3 19.JPG

Nato 3 20.JPG Nato 3 21.JPG

An excellent kit with clean crisp detail and is more than equal to Bravo 6 or Imperium figures on the market now. I look forward to seeing more figures in their range as it builds. Highly recommended.

Nato In Miniature Web-site
click here

Guy, thanks for the review.
All clients can buy this figure from us on a site. The price 14 euros.
The figure is available in a warehouse.
We prepare for release of 10 new figures. In April we will show 5 figures. It will be the Negro with a cat (a smart figure + a smart fluffy cat), the sniper with М14, machine gunner with Minimini, soldier with carbine М4, markmen with carbine М4 and an optical sight. Last three figures will be on sale as separate figures so in a set (3 figures together).