Soldier of Rome


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
Hey guys, I took this pictures with
my new camera, would your permission,I would like to share them with you.





I have also posted in my work bench the Janissary's bow and quiver.


Roc :)
Beauty, Roc.

A couple seem a tad out of focus to me. Are you using a tripod? How about few more close ups of the upper torso?

I kinda miss that purple felt back drop, though :lol:

Hey Keith, thanks and yiou are right, I should have used a tripod.
I will try to take some more pictures later.

Yoy didn't like my beautiful purple backdrop :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hey Roc!

Great pics even sans tripod. But if you've got more, post 'em! One of my goals for X-mas break is to finally paint this guy and I'd love to have some more examples of him. Your rendering is wonderful - especially the red.

May I ask how you do your plate armor?

Thanks again for the pics! :lol:
aka Hyades
Hello Marc, thanks, I'm glad you like it.
I have a tripod, I was too lazy to use it, I'll use it next time.


Roc. :)
Hello Nancy, thank you very much for the kind words, I will try to post some more pictures this weekend

This is how I did the Armor:

1- a) Brushed the armor with a swuede brush.

Burnished the armor 000 steel wool.

c} Washed it with warm water and Ivory dishwashing detergent,make sure you
you rinse well.

d} gave the the armor numerous controlled washes of Ivory black mixed
with turps.

e} When dry I burnished the extreme highlight points with the end of a knitting
f} weathered the bottom half of the armor with a wash of raw Umber. Did not
apply sealer beacause I wanted a tarnished look.

I hope this helps,if you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask.


Roc :)
Thanks for the info, Roc! I'll try your method with this piece - your results sure make a case for it! Hey, and when you post those new pics, would you get a nice shot of his armor, please? (y) Cool!

Again, thanks for the help! Most appreciated! (Now back to exam studies... <groan>, I'd rather be surfing pF...)

Thanks again! I really can't wait to get crackin' on this figure.

aka Hyades
Hey Bryon, thanks, I appreciate and your right thats the one I was working on during the Spring.

Keep up the great sculpting.

Roc. :)
Hello Nancy, I hope my method works for you and I promise to post some close ups of the armor as soon as I get a chance.
Good luck with your exams and sudy hard, I'm sure you will ace your exams.

Take care.


Roc. :)
Hey Wong, my friend, thanks, I always appreciate your comments, they are very encouragement.

Keep up the terrific sculpting.

Roc :)
Great work as always there Roc. That's a really nice figure indeed. What brand is that?? or it's a sculpt of yours? The photos also look great. What camera are you using?
Hello Xenofon, thank you very much,I truly appreciate the compliment.

This is a 90mm. Pegaso figure, I only wish I could sculpt as well as that , the camera is a Gateway DC42 4.0 Mega pixels.


Roc. :)
Roc--WHOA! I almost ducked thinking this guy was gonna haul out that broad sword and get me! Nice paint job--very life-like. I like the weathering on the tunic hem & shield--nice touches.