Some of My Work


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Use our photos. You take them anyway!

All you really need to do is compile of the articles you've written in the past. Why should others make money when you give most of the good advice?

C'mon write a book. All those in favor........
Originally posted by pkess@Mar 23 2004, 03:48 PM
I actually wrote an outline for a book once. The problem is I am such a slow painter that I don't have eough photos to illustrate it.
Thanks for all of the kind comments.
Phil, I have been to your seminars and you certainly have had enough pictures for those. All you need to do is wrap some text around it.
Originally posted by Lou Masses@Mar 23 2004, 04:10 PM
Use our photos. You take them anyway!

All you really need to do is compile of the articles you've written in the past. Why should others make money when you give most of the good advice?

C'mon write a book. All those in favor........
I am.
Phil, you could use Lou's stuff to illustate what not to do :)
Just kidding Lou, before you bring the wrath of the gods upon me ;)

You really should write the book. My educated guess is that it would be very popular.

I'm in favor too.

Write the darn book, Phil!!!
The boys are right - you have enough photos of everybody's work who have used your advice to great extents. I'm sure everybody who's ever benefitted from your knowledge would agree to having their work published in your book.
Hi Bruce

That Reb bust is extremely well done, one of the best I've seen, truth be told. Kudos on the Musketeer as well, excellent work ! I'd also like to register a "Hear, Hear" on the prospect of Mr. Kessling publishing a book. Great idea!

John B.
Now that I have this Photo Bucket thing working here is another M/R bust sculpted by Steve Lennon. Steve also sculpted the Berdan. Very nice work, I wish he would do more... hint hint ;)
Originally posted by JBOIS@Mar 26 2004, 02:14 AM

That Reb bust is extremely well done, one of the best I've seen, truth be told.
Thanks John. That was the second time I painted that particular figure. Here is the first. I'd like to think that I got better.
Originally posted by Lou Masses@Mar 30 2004, 02:37 PM
Your painting skills are exceeded only by your computer skills and your Peter Culos impersonation skills.
Ok, next time Pete's in the head during the awards ceremony I'm taking his award :)
Bpete, that is very good work. Especially the way you treat skin.

Any chance of a close up of the german lieutenant's face ?
Originally posted by ManfredL@Mar 31 2004, 02:27 AM
Any chance of a close up of the german lieutenant's face ?
I don't have any close-ups of him. I'll try to take some this weekend.

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