Just something a bit different that I did quite a while back, indeed it was my second resin model and is a Ma.K suit that are big in Japan.
The paint is primed, then rattlecan matt white over which I have brush painted everything else from the colours to the weathering.... all done with Vallejo acrylics....
Hope you like
If you want a closer look at the weathering then I have added a larger image link, see
As it came sans decals, I used some from a 1/35th challenger tank kit and some I have made up for a 1/35th UK Chinook..
Hope you like, any questions I will gladly answer
The paint is primed, then rattlecan matt white over which I have brush painted everything else from the colours to the weathering.... all done with Vallejo acrylics....
Hope you like
If you want a closer look at the weathering then I have added a larger image link, see
As it came sans decals, I used some from a 1/35th challenger tank kit and some I have made up for a 1/35th UK Chinook..
Hope you like, any questions I will gladly answer