Hey guys thanks you all. Here a shot about its size.
derseemann, I used Apoxie Sculpt and Clay (all epoxy).
Hey Gary, it is really some _THING_ :lol: I did it in a hurry, a week aprox., my mate is still blaming me because the caps I used from her Chanel bottles for the plinth...
Craig, please, please, please, take a shot of your and post it there, I am really curious about it. When looking for other people renditions I just found a few, I never seen the one from Horizon. About the next, still fighting with that Thor, I do not like at all how this blond is coming out.
Anyway, the set it is not finished yet, there will be a clothed version too with a different basement.
Thanks Costas, Jay I think it will be a pain for me to highlight all those rocks...