Hi JP,
There is always a way for escape, really? Yes, the idea has a sense...
Don't forget what I said about the history...You have studied the scene, the light, you have put even the leaves on the ground, but you never thought to the uniform of Soult and what about it. This is a common practice among figure fans, it's true, but I beg all PM who paint or sculpt historical figures to use a little bit of time of their project to study also the historical aspect.
All you are praising the wonderful work of Numitone and Cartacci for the Austerlitz diorama. Best sculpture, best painting, without doubts, but they asked me the right uniform of Murat in that campaign, the complete personnel of his staff during the battle, and the uniform carried by each of them. THIS IS A SERIOUS WORK!
I mean that when reproducing historical men and matters, a high level modeler has to analyse history, not only the light, the nice background, etc.
So in that diorama of Austerlitz you find the general Belliard, chief of Murat staff and the colonel of 10th Hussars Beaumont, attached to the staff. The right men for Austerlitz, not as I saw once the poor Lasalle in a diorama dated 1811, while is was died in the 1809!
However, I must notice a very little failure in that scene, because Mariano, going for his own way, put a little number 10 on the cartridge pouch, I shoud prefer a little eagle, or nothing, the little number was more used by Chasseurs de Ligne.
But this is nothing face to the whole wonderful work.