"Southerner" from Altores


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon

Time to have a look at a recent release from Altores which was announced here :


I have had this a little while while waiting for a replacement cap which was damaged when I opened the box but as with Altores great customer service sending a replacement was quickly dealt with

The release is from a popular period ...the ACW , this is the first of 2 , there being a Zouave from the Union also recently released ( I will look at this soon )


THere is now box art by the very talented ELENA SHENTSEL :)

Southerner ELENA SHENTSEL.jpg

Altores have chosen to show a confederate as well equipped complete with both blanket roll across his chest and one on the backpack ( perhaps a aquired US item ) , along with a kepi ...certtainly early on in the conflict as supply was aparticular problem for the South with many variations in colours and equiptment used including weapons used with many being purchased from other countries including England and others .

Here's the details on the release

Title: Southerner ACW

Reference: B099

Scale: 1/10th

Material: Gray Resin

Number of pieces 12

Sculptor: Alexander Deryabin

3D sculpture of Arms : Oleg Derbasov

Box Artwork: Elena Shenstel

As with all releases the contents were held in clear bags , sandwiched between foam ( despite this as said a peak was damaged but replaced quickly )

The box was enclosed in a slipover paper surround

ACW Altores 002.jpgACW Altores 001.jpg

Parts consist of Main torso, head , cap right arm, right hand , back pack, 2 straps , a mug , weapon in 2 parts plus the "dogs leg" , you will see a tiny half circle ...I am unsure where this fits on

ACW Altores 036.jpg

There are naturally many books here are a few from my library:

zz book.jpgYYY.jpgYAAAAAAA.jpg



Continued in next post

On now to the resin


General comments: Overall the resin is very cleanly cast and with a couple of casting lines and casting posts to remove (you will see these in the pictures as we go on ) there is nothing else to do except:

Fit the head and cap, backpack, arm , hand , straps and the make the weapon pieces up


Sculpted as with all Altores cut just above the waist , he carries a lot of equipment and has the uniform coat and a shirt , this show nicely under the collar and beneath the uniform at the front view , the jacket itself has good edge definition at the seams , folds are natural and not overstated , buttons are well shaped , the backpack straps are pulling into the blanket roll with good locating holes fro the hanging straps

The blanket roll has a nice addition of worn material at the front with hanging threads , the remainder is clear ...allowing a pattern to be put on if you wish as many of these were often bedspreads/quilts .

The neck area is very well cast with nothing stopping the head from sitting right .

At the rear there is a cutout to fit the backpack , under this is a ragged confederate flag with the stars being very well done and cast ...like the addition as this will add a flash of colour to the piece

ACW Altores 005.jpg
ACW Altores 008.jpgACW Altores 007.jpgACW Altores 006.jpg

ACW Altores 010.jpg ACW Altores 009.jpgACW Altores 012.jpgACW Altores 011.jpg


Sculpted using 3D as I presume was the hand , coming with a very good fitment post , the arm is slightly bent at the elbow with the folds at the bend , personally I feel the main one looks a little too deep , at the cuffs there is the material being torn , there is a cutout for the hand

ACW Altores 013.jpgACW Altores 014.jpg

The hand itself is positioned to hold the weapon at the stock end , fingers are well done ,perhaps a little spindly for some but they look good holding the weapon .

Again we have a good fitment post

ACW Altores 024.jpgACW Altores 025.jpg

ACW Altores 027.jpgACW Altores 026.jpg


Th is my favourite part and a area where Altores excel in my opinion , he is fully bearded and has the look of a older man ...particularly with the cap off !!! .....you could build up the hair slightly , fill the hole and leave him bareheaded ...nice option perhaps

The facial hear is very well done with the hair at the back of the same high quality with very good texture and details

The features are spot on , good ears , mouth closed , the eye area has bags under his eyes and above the eyebrows , the eyes themselves are cleanly presented making painting a lot easier

ACW Altores 021.jpgACW Altores 019.jpgACW Altores 020.jpg

ACW Altores 022.jpgACW Altores 023.jpg

The cap is the classic french inspired kepi , the crown pushed down towards the front creating good folds in the material , the peak is nicely shaped with the strap sitting on the top edge of it

Fitting is simple ...there is a blob of resin that marries up with the hole in the top of the head

It might have been nice to offer another cap option as well as the kepi

ACW Altores 043.jpgACW Altores 044.jpg

ACW Altores 046.jpgACW Altores 045.jpg

Continued in next post

Onto the remaining pieces

Back pack/Straps/Mug

The backpack consists of just the top piece showing a small part of the 3 straps , above the blanket is held in place by straps , these are well worked , perhaps they could have been pulling more into the blanket itself , on the blanket there is soft texturing

Fit is simple with a matching cutout in the torso

One of the blanket straps is cast to fit the metal mug onto if you choose to do so

ACW Altores 028.jpgACW Altores 031.jpg

ACW Altores 029.jpgACW Altores 030.jpg

The straps are cast separately as you can see , no chance of fitting the wrong side as they have corresponding qtys , 1 hole and 2 holes ..nice thinking there

ACW Altores 040.jpg

I like the addition of the mug , normally metal and with many uses , a good shape with a deep inside ...again the casting has produced a good item ...you could really put wear and tear on this , dents etc

ACW Altores 032.jpgACW Altores 033.jpg


This consists of 3 pieces separated just in front the backsight where the retaining piece is ...a good choice as when together there is no join showing ....I would suggest pinning as well

Detailing is very good particularly the mechanism and the sight , with the barrel being slightly drilled out , under this we have the ramrod in place

There is a strap swivel by the trigger , no strap is included ..indeed theses are hardly seen in use

ACW Altores 037.jpgACW Altores 038.jpgACW Altores 035.jpg

The weapon in position sits on his right shoulder

The dog leg is separate and small !! so get this fitted asp ....no carpet monster to feed !!!

ACW Altores 041.jpg

Final thoughts

A good addition to the Altores catalogue , great facial work , lots of conversion potential as well , good details on the weapon , casting and presentation is high , lots to paint as well as being a challenge with the colour limited palette


Lets enjoy some more of Elena's artwork

Southerner 6.jpg
Southerner 1.jpg
Southerner 2.jpg
Southerner 3.jpg
Southerner 4.jpg
Southerner 5.jpg

Contact details:
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.altores.com
They are also a member of FaceBook and the forum here on PF
Thanks to for the review pieces
And of course a big thank you to all for looking in
Thanks Guys

It's a piece with lots of conversion potential .

Now on its way to Jimbo as a thank you for stuff he has done ....now and in the future ...LOL...might see legs on the horizon !!

The name of the artist is Elena. Not Elana. Correct it please Kevin. Thanks.
Thanks for the review.
The name of the artist is Elena. Not Elana. Correct it please Kevin. Thanks.
Thanks for the review.

Thank you for pointing that out ....pretext !!! All changed

Apologies to Elena for not spotting this first

Looking forward to reviewing the Zouave from Altores as well

Box art lovely..the arm position holding the weapon looks odd to me ..too high..vs even you reference images..but nice review

arm position holding the weapon looks odd to me ..too high.. Well spotted , but still a nice piece . good review . But Kev you should have spotted this :rolleyes:
arm position holding the weapon looks odd to me ..too high.. Well spotted , but still a nice piece . good review . But Kev you should have spotted this :rolleyes:

Hi Ron

Thanks for looking in , good point ref weapon , looking though reenactors pics there are some in a similar position

Always appreciate comments


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