Hi to everyone
Its been a trying time for all especially figure company's in the miniature world , no matter where they are based so it was good to receive a review item from none other than

The release is from the Peninsular Wars , where all spanish fought against the french no matter what their profession or gender including children and priests
Prior to this RP released a child guerilla from the same conflict which I looked at here
This latest release depicts a fighting priest so is the ideal companion to the child in a display
The peninsular war was renowned for the horrors and ferocity of the fighting on all sides depicted at times by artists like Goya

Naturally there are many books written about the so called "Spanish Ulcer" and of course uniforms worn

Obviously the period is popular amongst wargamers as well:

Our subject is slightly bigger though !!
This is the artwork for the release painted by RICARDO PISA

Details of the release:
Title: Guerilla Peninsular War ( Napoleonic Series )
Reference: RP-B-3-004
Scale: 1/12th
Material: Gray Resin
No of parts: 17 plus information insert
Sculptor: 3D
Casting : YS Castings ( Yiannis )
Box Art: Ricardo Pisa
Note: Limited run of 150 units worldwide , UK stockists include SK Miniatures and EL GRECO Miniatures
As always packing is all done in house and the resin is well protected in bags and bubblewrap
In a strong cardboard box with a push over wrapping which shows both a unpainted and painted version of the piece
Parts include Main Torso , 2 arms, a choice of 3 heads ,, a staff with hands, hat, blanket roll, waist hanging cords, large bag , a smaller pouch 2 pistols, powder horn, cup and of course a bottle of "something"
Not one but 3 head with different hair styles.....
Prep as with the previous , fit is really good on all pieces with minimal of prep needed , slight flashing and quick sanding , during the resin views I will highlight anything on pieces
Build will be best planned to allow for access when painting to some area's
Continued in next post