A Fixture
Spartan Hoplite
1:10 scale resin bust
4 pieces - bust, helmet, crest and pedestal
Sculpted by Matt Grech
This is one of the latest offerings from El Greco Miniatures; Spartan Hoplite Bust sculpted by the very talented Matt Grech.
The kit is supplied in a plastic blister pack and all parts are protected in bubble wrap pockets. There is also small booklet included with some very nice historical notes and a painting guide.
The kit consists of four resin parts, Bust, Helmet, crest and pedestal. Inspection of all parts shows a very high standard of casting with no evidence of any cleaning up of parts. The level of detail sculpted into the parts is first rate.
Here we can see the front and the back views of the main bust. Close inspection shows the excellent quality of the detail sculpted into the bust. The back view of the bust shows the position of the helmet to be fitted.
The helmet is cast in one section and has no seam lines or mould blocks to remove. The fit of the helmet to the bust is exact with no evidence of any gaps between the helmet and the hair line.
The fit of the crest to the helmet is a very good fit and follows the profile of the helmet exact. The crest is another well cast one piece part, there are no mould lines or mould blocks to remove.
The kit is supplied with a pedestal for attachment of the bust to a base.
A well cast kit with high level of detail. All part are well packed. No cleaning up of any parts, just open the box and start painting. A very nice comprehensive historical booklet included. Highly recommended for anyone interested in this period of history.
El Greco Miniatures
Order Code: EGM BU11
Price: £33
Credit Cards and Paypal accepted.
1:10 scale resin bust
4 pieces - bust, helmet, crest and pedestal
Sculpted by Matt Grech
This is one of the latest offerings from El Greco Miniatures; Spartan Hoplite Bust sculpted by the very talented Matt Grech.
The kit is supplied in a plastic blister pack and all parts are protected in bubble wrap pockets. There is also small booklet included with some very nice historical notes and a painting guide.
The kit consists of four resin parts, Bust, Helmet, crest and pedestal. Inspection of all parts shows a very high standard of casting with no evidence of any cleaning up of parts. The level of detail sculpted into the parts is first rate.
Here we can see the front and the back views of the main bust. Close inspection shows the excellent quality of the detail sculpted into the bust. The back view of the bust shows the position of the helmet to be fitted.
The helmet is cast in one section and has no seam lines or mould blocks to remove. The fit of the helmet to the bust is exact with no evidence of any gaps between the helmet and the hair line.
The fit of the crest to the helmet is a very good fit and follows the profile of the helmet exact. The crest is another well cast one piece part, there are no mould lines or mould blocks to remove.
The kit is supplied with a pedestal for attachment of the bust to a base.
A well cast kit with high level of detail. All part are well packed. No cleaning up of any parts, just open the box and start painting. A very nice comprehensive historical booklet included. Highly recommended for anyone interested in this period of history.
El Greco Miniatures
Order Code: EGM BU11
Price: £33
Credit Cards and Paypal accepted.