This is a beautifully sculpted and cast figure produced by Pegaso.
Painting this figure gave me many hours of enjoyment and relaxation,after all, is this not what the hobby is all about.
I welcome your advice and critique, for improvement.
Beautiful work Rocco..........again up to your high quality of artistic ability. I looked closely and could see nothing to suggest for improvement. Love your armor and tunic shading. Is your sheild design free hand? If so it is stunning.
Hey Pete,
1- Undercoated with dark brown acrylic.
2- Mixed testors gold with burnt umber for base .
3- Shadows - mixed burnt umber + a bit of raw umber.
4- When dry,I gave it several washes of irredecent liquitex acrylic bronze.
5 Highlighted extremeties with testors gold
6- weather the lower part of bronze with washes of raw umber.
7- no sealer was used.
Hey Hardy,
Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated.
I love your work,I've been following your step by step with much enjoyment.Keep up the great work.
You used Testor's metallics? Whoa, now I "really" think it came out good I've found Testor's metallics to be rather grainy. Did you have this problem? If so, how did you get around it?