Nice start, keep posting your progress..
Thank You Chris.I love Alpine Miniatures sculpts, either in 1/16 or 1/35. And this is a beautiful paint job, great flesh tones & highlights.
Looks a good start to me.
Very convincing representation of an early style camouflage, excellent!
Thank you Chris.The smock painting is superb, congratulations on a great job!
Hi Pete
Good to see the updates for me the smock looks really good , and I like your having the 2 head option as well
As for the trousers camo , visually it will certainly be good , different to look at but I also like the possibility of a contrast between the smock and standard issue trousers colour
Is that a Ron Volsted painting ?
Look forward to seeing more on this fellow
Happy benchtime
Looking sharp.
If you go for the pea dot camouflaged trousers you will imply a late war setting. Several features of the figure suggest early war: the boots, the weapon, the early style comouflage smock, leather belts. All these could still be encountered late in the war, but overall they suggest early war for this setting.
Personally, I’d opt for the normal green trousers. This makes the viewer focus on the upper part of the figure.
Great progress so far and I am looking forward to the result!