stormtroopers 95th rifle Corunna


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A Fixture
Jan 7, 2004
Netherlands, Arnemuiden
Hello Guys,

I bought this fellow at Euromilitaire. It is a nice figure. It was for me the first time that i had to struggle with the grey colour. At my club they said i got all stripes instead off smooth changes between colors. So i scrubbed it off and paint it again with the instructions i got.
I think it is a lot better. But please judge my 5th figure please.





Looking good to me (y) My only comment would be that the transitions between the highligfhts and shadows be more blended. But look at the way you have got better from the first. Keep with it (y)
Thanks John,

Is it possible to make the highlights a little bit darker. And so is it better when i do that. I think that the contrast is to big. The transition between the highlight and the shadows are not so great as seen on the pics.
It looks hard eged, but there is a very little changing between the light grey and the dark grey, but maybe it is not good enough.

Hi Marc,

I think you might want to mix a colour between your base colour and highlight. This you dillute about 80%. You then go over the area between highlight and base. Do the same for the area between base andshadow. This way you should be able to blend much more and get a better transition.

I hope this hels.


He Marc
Big progressing in your work. Looking nice. Why don't take yout figgies sometime with you at a Twenotmeeting. For sure people will like it. You don't need to take it to the contest, rules are stickt as you know, but for showing your skils is always good. Just for trying to convience people that painting a figure isn't that scary sometimes someones think
Bert (still haven't found time to come over once a time)
Hello Bert,

Thanks for your nice comments. Maybe some day i come again to a twenot meeting. I am still a member.
I hope someday you find the time to come over .

Greetings Marc.

P. S. i likes your chopper pilot.