This was always a great and friendly place to earn a crust, and for the most part it still is! I have made some fabulous friends over the years, ones I will keep for life!
However this trend in attacking pieces via the keyboard is a very disappointing development!
I hear the justification "its just constructive criticism" and you are correct! But at what point does constructive become destructive?
This 1st amendment approach, the right to say what you want, to who you ,when you want is a great quality, but the reciever of these acidic comments, and anyone who reads this approach has the right to reply, and so does everyone who disagrees.
I may be wrong, but it seems to me that some of the comments are directed at the person rather than the piece, solely design to discredit, dare I say assasinate the character of the Sculptor. Now if that is the case, and only the author will truly know, then the comment is delivered with dubious motives. IMO. If you have a problem with an individual, then take it up them directly. An open forum is most definately NOT the place.
You see there is an innocent victim in all of this, Stuart and Storm Trooper (in this case)! He has invested a lot of money in a master, the moulds, the castings, the box-art etc this adds up to a big commitment! Only to see his product attacked in this manner, and there is nothing he can do, why because these threads are highjacked and take a life of there own.
All delivered under the banner of Constructive Criticism! When we all know it's not constructive at all!
I don't how or if this will be resolved, but maybe if the PF introduced a policy of all members display there real names, rather than using the cloak of anonimity and safety of the pseudoym, it would make folks think twice about commenting in such a costic manner!
I have nothing more to say except, I would urge everyone to ask themselves, would I say this to his or her face!
That is my one and only comment on this matter!
Back to the real point of this thread, Lovely painting Davie, and great addition to your range Stu! I hope all this nonsense doesn't effect sales too much mate!