Swordmater of Hoeth


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Active Member
Feb 7, 2006
Hi all,

This is my first try to do a 54mm scale miniature, my third sculpt in my life. It´s sculpted with a mix of duro and milliput mainly. It´s a fantasy miniature, but I would like to sculpt a historical figure next time. It´s based in the GW artwork, I did it for a GW contest.

I would like to know what do you think about it and what things I have to improve to do my next figure better. I´m starting in the sculptor world and I´m so interested to learn about the masters. Please, any advice and criticizes is very welcome.

I hope you like it, thanks a lot for this forum, I´m learning a lot.
I post also the mini painted.

It will be a sculpt tutorial of all the process in the magazine Figure International of March.

A greeting to all from Spain!



I think it looks fantantastic, I can't believe it's only your third figure.

Keep up the good work and do continue to sculpt. ;)

Roc. :)
As Roc said! Fernando, people like you are a mistery to me... I mean, hey, this is your third figure and it looks like a mastersculpt for some manufacturer! Unbelievable cool detail! How do you handle the "chainmail"? Pose and details are well thought of, the figure do not look overladden with details, it is "realistic" and I think, the guy can "move" whilst sword-wielding.

Sometimes Fantasy Figures are so full of details and accessoiries that it might be impossible for them to move anyway.

So, this is very well done! Hope, you will get a prize for that sweet thing and I hope more, you will sculpt some fantasy or horror characters in the near future.


What a brilliant figure and a superb paint job, just have a look at that cloak!!
Will this be commercially available?


Hi Fernando...you've made a beautiful fantasy figure, full of excitement and purpose...really well sculpted.
I don't think you need any advice except to keep sculpting, and let your imagination, artistry and enthusiasm for the subject take you to higher levels of acheivement each time you create a new figure.

All the best...Roy.
Very very nice my friend. The painting just makes the sculpting much more admirable. Give yourself a pat on the back, that is just super! :) ~Gary
Thanks a lot to all, you make me feel very happy :lol: . Yes, I also painted it. It won gold in the last UK GD, two weeks ago.

Normo: this mini is not commercial, it´s a scratch, sorry.

Frank-Holger: about the chainmail, it´s sculpted one by one, I started from the bottom parts and did it in sessions of 10 or 15 little pieces each time. The process will be in the magazine Figure International of March, in a new section of fantasy.

Sorry for my english :(
Hi all!

Hello Fernando!I also cannot believe this is your third sculpting!Amasing!Symmetrical,smooth,clearly seperated different parts,fine details,thin and realistic clothes and armor,normal pose,great anatomical analogies!

Since you asked for negative comments as well,if I had to say anything,this would be the face and the left arm near the shoulder:

On the face,be careful around the eyes and near the nose.Pay attension to the muscles:
1-M. Orbicularis Oculi (Pars palpebralis)
2-M. Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi

(Give it a search in Google to find out which muscles I'm talking about...)

On the left arm,near the shoulder seems too thin,always judging from the photos you posted(I may be wrong on this one...)

Your painting is also amasing!No wondering you won an award so far,I'm sure this figure will get more awards in the future!

Very well done!My complements!
OHH, thanks Arminous!! these things are that I need to learn more and more. About the face, is the part that I like less, I will try to do your advices. And about the arm, its true, a lot of people said methe same hehehe, next time I will do it better!

Thanks ;)
Hola Fernando, estupenda figura!!! el modelado y la pintura, yo se que tu línea son las figuras de fantasía, pero me gustaría mucho ver una historica modelada y pintada por tí...

Una pregunta, ¿como haz conseguido los tonos metálicos del casco y la armadura?


Hola Fernando

Compliments indeed one good sculpture.
Beautiful the position and good the cleaning ..... appeals to me very as you have executed the armor.
Congratulations for being yours third sculpture and one optimal execution.

MAB :)
Alex: los metálicos son muy sencillos, el truco es hacer un contraste muy fuerte. Es todo pintura citadel. Empiezo con una base de chainmail, después ilumino con mithril silver y luego trabajo las sombras a veladuras, muchas y muy diluidas, primero de una mezcla de boltgun metal más tinta negra, y por último sólo tinta negra. Gracias por tus palabras!

In english: the metals are citadel paints. Base of chainmail, then the lights with mithril silver. After that I did a lot of very diluites washes, firstly with a mix of boltgun metal and black ink, and finally with only black ink.

Thanks again!
Fernando, if this is your third sculpture I would love to see more of your work in the future. That is agreat piece you delivered there. A big well done (y)

Stephen Mallia
Fernando! Thanks, can´t wait till March! Today, I have got my new FIGURES INTERNATIONAL, there were a lot of amazing articles about Fantasy Figures and great show reports dealing with 28mm Figures; they left me speechless!

Your Figure rocks in every way!
